Photo Credit: GPO
Prime Minister Netanyahu addressing reporters.

Prime Minister Netanyahu was interviewed Sunday by media outlets from each of the P5+1 major powers involved in the international negotiations with Iran: US (CNN), Great Britain (Sky), Germany (ARD radio), China (CCTV), France (France 24) and Russia (Channel 1 Russia).

The prime minister stressed that Iran is interested in obtaining a surrender agreement from the West and added that it cannot be allowed to receive such an agreement. The Prime Minister emphasized that the agreement with Iran needs to be similar to that which was reached with Syria – an agreement which includes the dismantling of capabilities and their removal, in contrast to the apparent agreement with Iran that includes leaving capabilities under supervision (supervision which has already been revealed to be ineffective). The Prime Minister added that the ayatollahs’ regime must not be allowed to have a nuclear bomb.

Israeli media noted in response to Netanyahu’s appearances on foreign media that the prime minister has not granted a feature interview to any local news outlet in more than 18 months.

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Meir is a news writer for - and he loves his job.