Photo Credit: GPO
European Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu had a problem Thursday morning when he met with European Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini.

We all know that the EU is gung-ho for patronizing the Arabs and trashing Israel unless it gives up the Golan Heights, surrenders all of Judea and Samaria, and release its sovereignty over the Old City of Jerusalem, the Temple Mount area, and tell 250,000 Jerusalem Jews to live elsewhere.


Israel, for whatever reasons or thousands of reasons, seldom is able to look the EU or President Barack Obama in the eye and say, “Get lost.”

That is not the way it is done today. One must show agreement or bury disagreements in enough sugar to keep a dentist in business all his life.

Before we reveal how Netanyahu gracefully talked his way through the meeting with Mogherini, we have to remember that Netanyahu knows that the possibility of “two states” is as real as the tooth fairy. But he can’t say so because it will rile up the anti-Semites, even though they will get riled up no matter what.

So he still has to pretend otherwise. He denied during the recent election campaign that he has annulled the two-state” concept that he accepted in a speech in 2009 at Bar-Ilan University. Likud party sources said it was the Likud’s Tzipi Hotovely who made the remarks, but it does not matter because everyone knows she said exactly what Netanyahu, and you and I think. Netanyahu has given up on the possibility of a Palestinian Authority state alongside a Jewish State of Israel because the Palestinian Authority never has adopted the “two-state” solution except as a bargaining chip until it can whittle down Israel to the extent that the only possibility is one state – Arab Palestine.

Here is what the Facebook page of Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah party stated last week, according to Palestine Media Watch (PMW):

On the occasion of Nakba day – the day Palestinians commemorate “the catastrophe” of the establishment of the State of Israel – Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah movement reiterated its message that there is no room for Israel in the region. The movement posted the following text on its Facebook page, showing that the two-state solution is not something Fatah wants realized:

From its [Mediterranean] Sea to its [Jordan] River… it is ours.

PMW added that “the PA National Security Forces regularly presents towns, villages and places all over Israel as ‘Palestine’ or ‘occupied Palestine,’ as does the PA Presidential Guards.”

But the EU, the United Nations and President Obama live in their own world, the one that idiots rule.

It is obvious to anyone who does not have to act out his role as a foreign policy dupe that “two states” is a meaningless expression.

Leave it to Netanyahu, a master of communication, to find a phrase to get him off the hook. He told her:

I want to reiterate my commitment to peace. We want a peace that would end the conflict once and for all. My position hasn’t changed. I don’t support a one-state solution. I don’t believe this is a solution at all. I support the vision of two states for two peoples – a demilitarized Palestinian state that recognizes the Jewish state.

Got it? He supports the “vision” of two states, just like he supports the “vision” of 90 Likud Knesset Members.

Don’t even read all the headlines floating around today that Netanyahu “supports the two-state solution,” which is a solution to the Palestinian Authority’s problem that Israel exists and to the European Union’s problem to keep itself busy and ignore less important matters, such as the Islamic State taking over Syria.

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Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu is a graduate in journalism and economics from The George Washington University. He has worked as a cub reporter in rural Virginia and as senior copy editor for major Canadian metropolitan dailies. Tzvi wrote for Arutz Sheva for several years before joining the Jewish Press.