Photo Credit: Richard Lobell
NY rally against Met Opera's 'Death of Klinghoffer' opera. Sept. 22, 2014.

Thousands of protesters showed up to tell the Metropolitan Opera patrons, arriving Monday night, Sept. 22, for the year’s black tie gala, that staging the opera named the “Death of Klinghoffer” was a vile act of anti-Semitism.

Politicians, such as former New York Governor Pataki, and U.S. Congressman Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.), an Israeli knesset member, local politicians, rabbis, activists, heads of Jewish Zionist organizations and Evangelical Zionist organizations, former U.S. Attorney General Judge Michael Mukasey, victims of terrorism and Jewish high school students came to voice their protest against the “Death of Klinghoffer” opera.

Cong. Eliot Engel (R) spoke at the anti-Klinghoffer rally on Sept. 22, 2014. Richard Allen (L) of JCC Watch, was one of the protest organizers.

Former U.S. Attorney General Michael Mukasey spoke out strongly against the general manager of the Metropolitan Opera, Peter Gelb, insisting on staging the “Death of Klinghoffer” at the Metropolitan Opera. Mukasey was scathing in his denunciation of Gelb and his wrongheaded decision.

Former Attorney General Michael Mukasey spoke at the rally against the Met Opera staging the “Death of Klinghoffer” on Sept. 22, 2014.

Sarri Singer, a victim of Palestinian Arab terrorism spoke out against the opera, as did several 9/11 victims, as well as a victim of African genocide.

Sarri Singer (center) victim of Palestinian Arab terror, with Consolee Nishimwe (L), Genocide Survivors Support Network, Survivor of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsis in Rwanda and Wendy Lanski (R), Board Member, Strength to Strength, 9/11 Survivor who was in the North Tower on the 29th Floor, at the Sept. 22 NYC protest against the ‘Death of Klinghoffer’ opera.

New York City police officer Steven McDonald, the victim of a gunshot which left him confined to a wheelchair, spoke out strongly against terrorism and against the opera which glorifies it.

Detective Steven McDonald of the New York City Police Department was shot in the line of duty in 1986 and paralyzed from the neck down. He spoke at the rally against the Klinghoffer opera at the Metropolitan Opera on Sept. 22, 2014.

Christian Zionist, founder and president of Proclaiming Justice to the Nations Laurie Cardoza-Moore said that the growing cancer of anti-Semitism was now consuming the Metropolitan Opera. She reminded the crowd that Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf that “all propaganda must be presented in a popular form.” Cardoza-Moore exclaimed that “the Metropolitan Opera has taken a page out of Hitler’s book!”

Laurie Cardoza-Moore, founder and president of Proclaiming Justice to the Nations, spoke at the anti-Klinghoffer rally in NYC on Sept. 22, 2014.

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Lori Lowenthal Marcus is a contributor to the A graduate of Harvard Law School, she previously practiced First Amendment law and taught in Philadelphia-area graduate and law schools. You can reach her by email: [email protected]