Photo Credit: IDF
Nahal Infantry Brigade soldiers

As the security apparatus is completing plans to evacuate the Amona community in Samaria on December 25, by decree of the Supreme Court, NRG reported that the Haredi Nahal battalion Netzach Yehuda which has been posted in recent months downhill from Amona, in Ofra, has received orders to prepare to relocate to a different section – despite the fact that the battalion’s original date to relocate was, reportedly, on December 14.

Then, following leaks to the news media about the relocation, which probably means these religious soldiers are not trusted to carry out the relocation, the order to relocate was rescinded for the time being.


A source inside the battalion said, “We received an order over the weekend to prepare for an immediate relocation, but who knows if it’ll happen today or in three weeks. It was supposed to be kept secret, and now that it’s becoming public knowledge it puts commanding officers under pressure.”


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