Photo Credit: Press TV
The media outlets hailing the election of Hassan Rohani, the “moderate,” are the same outlets that consider the Tea Parties in America to be “radical.”

The difference between an Iranian extremist and an Iranian moderate, is that an Iranian extremists wants all Israelis dead now, while an Iranian moderate is willing to wait until next Tuesday.

Iranian president Rohani just revealed that calling him a moderate would be incorrect.


During an Al Quds Day celebration, Rohani said, “The Zionist regime has been a wound on the body of the Islamic world for years and the wound should be removed.”

Not to be outdone, former Iranian president Ahmedinijad let loose at one of the rallies and said, “I will inform you with God as my witness, a devastating storm is on the way that will uproot the basis of Zionism,” and just for emphasis added that Israel “has no place in this world.”

Iran is rushing to complete its nuclear weapons program, presumably to commit genocide and launch its missiles at Israel.

In response, Prime Minister Netanyahu said, “Rohani’s true face has been exposed sooner than expected. Even if his comments will quickly be denied – that’s what the man thinks and that’s the Iranian regime’s game plan.”

Of course, if the US pressured peace talks manage to evict Israel from significant portions of the Land of Israel, that won’t leave much left for the Iranians to remove.

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