By Michael Bachner/TPS

Jerusalem (TPS) – The brother of an Israeli man critically wounded in a terror attack lashed out at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday afternoon during Netanyahu’s speech at the official memorial ceremony for Israel’s terror victims.


“Two months ago a terrorist shattered my brother’s skull, after I was injured 15 years ago, and the wounds still haven’t healed,” shouted Rami Cohen at Netanyahu from the audience, criticizing the government’s handling of the recent wave of terror attacks. “And now, again, we are acting leniently [toward terrorism] and don’t know how to deal with it.”

Rami is the brother of Tzvika Cohen, a security guard who was brutally attacked with an ax by 21-year-old Saadi Ali Abu Ahmad in February in the town of Ma’ale Adumim, near Jerusalem. Cohen was critically wounded in the attack and has not yet woken up from a coma. His life is still in danger.

After his outburst, Cohen sat down and sobbed on his chair.

“I understand you. I belong to the same family,” Netanyahu replied, referring to the loss of his own brother, Jonathan, who was killed during the legendary 1976 raid in Entebbe, Uganda that freed 102 Jewish hostages.

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