Photo Credit: Ministry of Defense
David's Sling test launch, 2017.

Defense Ministry Director-General Colonel (Ret.) Eyal Zamir on Sunday announced the signing of a contract for the sale of David’s Sling air defense system to Finland for approximately NIS 1.3 billion (317 million euros). David’s Sling became operational in April 2017.


The David’s Sling system’s Stunner missile is designed to intercept the newest generation of tactical ballistic missiles at low altitudes, such as the Russian Iskander and the Chinese DF-15, and the system can distinguish between decoys and the actual warhead of an incoming missile, in addition to tracking by Elta multi-mode radar. The multi-stage interceptor consists of a solid-fuel rocket motor booster, followed by an asymmetrical kill vehicle with advanced steering for super-maneuverability during the kill stage. A three-pulse motor provides additional acceleration and maneuverability during the terminal phase.

Defense Ministry Director-General Colonel (Ret.) Eyal Zamir and the Ambassador of Finland in Israel, Dr. Nina Nordstorm, with the contract to purchase the David’s Sling system, November 12, 2023. / Ministry of Defense

The signing ceremony at the Defense Ministry was attended by the Ambassador of Finland in Israel, Dr. Nina Nordstorm, the Finnish military attaché Col. Oula Asteljoki, CEO of the Rafael Company, Colonel (res.) Yoav Har-Avan, head of the Administration for the Development of Weapons and Technological Infrastructure, Brigadier General (res.) Dr. Danny Gold, head of the ‘Homa’ Directorate, Moshe Fatal, and head of the Defense Ministry’s finance department CPA Dekal Cohen.

Finland has lived for centuries under the threat of a Russian attack, which erupted in the years 1939-40 into the “Winter War.” The war began with a Soviet invasion of Finland on November 30, 1939, three months after the outbreak of World War II. The war ended three and a half months later with the Moscow Peace Treaty of March 13, 1940. Despite its superior military strength, with many more tanks and aircraft, the Soviet Union suffered severe losses and initially made little headway.

With its Russian neighbor engaged in attacks on its other neighbor, Ukraine, Finland feels it must defend itself against an unprovoked attack, hence the purchase of the world’s finest defense system against ballistic missiles, Cruise missiles, aircraft, and drones.

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