Photo Credit: Tumblr web cached page
Tumblr page of Mohammad G. Hammad, president of SFSU-funded General Union of Palestine Students

Several weeks ago The Jewish Press brought you the story of the California student leader, Muhammad G. Hammad, who posted on a social media platform a picture of himself holding a sharp blade, and describing how he wanted to stab Israeli soldiers with it.

Well, he’s baaaaaa-aack.


A new posting on Tumblr from Mohammad G. Hammad, president of San Francisco State University’s General Union of Palestine Students (GUPS), has been discovered by the AMCHA Initiative.

It’s even more graphic than the earlier one.

In this post, Hammad discusses the death of an Arab 17 year old in Hebron last year. The 17 year old was shot by a female Israel Defence Forces soldier after the youth attacked her and pulled a realistic-looking toy gun on her.  The post includes an entirely fabricated version of the actual events, one which portrays the Arab as a deaf teenager innocently out to get some birthday cake when he was shot to death by the IDF soldier, following an “altercation.”

In his “CUPCAKESANDKITTENS4EVER” Tumblr account, Hammad writes:

I’m sitting here looking through pictures of that f[EXPLETIVE DELETED] s[EXPLETIVE DELETED] [NAME REMOVED TO PROTECT THE SOLDIER] ….Anyone who thinks there can be peace with animals like this is absolutely delusional, and the only “peace” I’m interested in is the head of this f[EXPLETIVE DELETED s[EXPLETIVE DELETED on a plate, as well as the heads of all others like her, and all others who support the IDF

The Liberation of Palestine can only come through the destruction and decimation of this Israeli plague and it can’t possibly come soon enough.

The Jewish Press contacted Dr. Leslie Wong, the president of San Francisco State University. We wanted to know whether the school plans to take any action against Hammad, given that he has now named a specific individual whom he wants to kill, and has stated his desire to decapitate anyone who serves in the IDF and any IDF supporters. Surely that includes at least some people at SFSU.

Ellen Griffin, SFSU’s  associate vice president for communications, shared with The Jewish Press a statement issued yesterday by Dr. Wong. That statement addressed Hammad’s earlier Tumblr threat.  According to Griffin, the administration had not been aware of the second violence-glorifying post by the president of the Palestine Students Union.

It is now.

In yesterday’s statement Dr. Wong promised his university population that they should

trust that I will step in when speech or actions cross the line into violations of law or University policy. I am absolutely committed to maintaining a safe environment. In both recent cases, for example, we have conducted thorough threat assessments with law enforcement, increased campus safety measures, facilitated dialogue with student groups, offered counseling resources and initiated the student conduct review process. I am confident these actions protect both the safety and the rights of our campus community.

Can the SFSU environment be considered a safe one with a student leader – let’s say that again, a student leader! –  who has already posed making threats while caressing a knife, and is now calling for the beheading of IDF soldiers and anyone who supports them? Surely any “dialogue with student groups and counseling resources” is a tack already taken, one revealed to be insufficient.

Will SFSU make clear that threats against its population will not be tolerated? The SFSU administration is already on notice.  Any action taken after someone is already harmed will not be defensible.

We await a response from Dr. Wong.

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Lori Lowenthal Marcus is a contributor to the A graduate of Harvard Law School, she previously practiced First Amendment law and taught in Philadelphia-area graduate and law schools. You can reach her by email: [email protected]