Photo Credit: Amit Segal Telegram
Amit Segal's voluntary migration survey.

There’s something fundamentally evil about not allowing the residents of Gaza the freedom to escape the war zone, even if it is a war zone of their own creation, and especially when most of them want and have been trying to leave.

It’s estimated 6.8 million Syrians escaped from the war in Syria, and 6 million Ukrainians are estimated to have migrated out of Ukraine since the war began.


But the international community does not want even one Gazan to leave Gaza for their own safety. Why? Because that means the end of the two-state solution delusion and the Arab-Israeli conflict.

In Israel, from the beginning, most Israelis quickly realized that allowing voluntary migration is the only reasonable plan for the Day After Hamas is defeated. It’s also the only way to guarantee the IDF can fight Hamas and not worry about civilians being used as human shields.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been trying to convince Egypt to open up their gates and allow the Gazans out to go to other countries. But Egypt has refused to do the humanitarian thing.

The Biden Administration lashed out at Ministers Smotrich and Ben-Gvir for daring to even say out loud what most Israelis believe, that allowing the Gazans the freedom to leave Gaza is the right thing to do.

In light of how central this issue is, Channel 12 reporter Amit Segal asked a question to his audience of 220,900 Telegram followers. As of Wednesday evening, over 50,000 of his followers responded to the poll. 95% of them responded that they support voluntary emigration from Gaza.

And why wouldn’t they? It’s absolutely evil of the international community to not allow Gazans the freedom to choose their own futures elsewhere.


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