Photo Credit: Nati Shohat / Flash 90
PA Soccer Federation Chairman Jibril Rajoub

“The Palestinian Authority (PA) elections will be held in eastern Jerusalem against the wishes of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and we can ‘close’ on Netanyahu and hold elections in spite of his anger and we will let the campaign over the elections take place between Israel and the international community,” said Jibril Rajoub, Secretary of the Fatah Central Committee, in an interview with PA television on Tuesday night.

Rajoub added that “there is a national agreement between all the factions regarding the holding of elections in Jerusalem.”


Meanwhile, the PA’s central election committee announced that 90,000 new voters have been added to the voters’ book and now their total number stands at 2.9 million.

This number does not include eastern Jerusalemites, who have Israeli ID cards, and whose registration in the voter register is not required by law.

In the Jerusalem district of the Electoral Commission, there are some 119,000 eligible voters, and so far 76,000 of them have been registered in the voters’ book, which is about 65%.

Although there are about 12 days left to complete the registration, the overall enrollment rate in the Palestinian Authority now stands at 82%.

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