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The Islamic Center Hamburg.

The popular German tabloid Bild on Sunday published a major report headlined: “Iranian terror in our society – this is how the mullah regime threatens Jews in Germany.”

The report opens: “Red alert at Jewish institutions – because of suspected mullah terror! Police officers currently have to guard synagogues with protective vests and submachine guns, because Radical Islamists could be behind the most recent three attacks on synagogues in North Rhine-Westphalia – controlled by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards!


“That’s what investigators suspect so far, according to Bild. The possible goal of the mullah terror: harming the archenemy Israel to distract attention from domestic political problems!”

Yes, German tabloids employ an abundance of exclamation marks.

But how does the antisemitic mullah network work in Germany? According to Bild, Iranian agents spy on Jews there. The Iranian intelligence service “Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS)” and the military special unit “Quds Force,” also known as “Quds Brigades,” are active in Germany.

These agents’ task is to spy on Jewish and Israeli targets – including attack targets! According to the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, the mullahs have declared the State of Israel and the people who represent or support Israel to be their enemies. And according to investigators, the President of the Central Council of Jews is particularly in danger!

German physician Josef Schuster, 68, was elected in November 2014 as President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany. I can just imagine how he felt Sunday morning when he picked up the paper, and, wham – so many exclamation marks!

About the Mullah Network in Germany: Antisemitism is the state ideology of the Iranian regime, notes Bild. In Germany, an entire network is suspected of being close to the mullah regime and Hezbollah. The terrorist organization Hezbollah, financed by Iran, tried to recruit German Islamists to carry out attacks on Israel as early as the 1990s.

In Hamburg: the “Islamic Center Hamburg (IZH)” is the most important outpost of the mullah regime and is being observed by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution! It is considered THE propaganda center in Europe. According to the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, the IZH is an instrument for establishing “an antisemitic orientation” in Islam.

Nationwide: the umbrella organization “Islamic Community of Shiite Communities (IGS)” with its hundreds of Shiite associations was founded on an IZH initiative. It is considered an “important element for controlling” the interests of the IZH.

Among the IGS member associations, “there are also extremist associations” with some indications that they are “related to the IZH and/or the Islamist-terrorist Hezbollah,” according to the federal government.

The report continues at about this level of depth and detail – not much; and then it states: Experts are sure: the Mullah regime is “a danger for Jews in Germany.”

Bild cites Islamism expert Susanne Schröter, a contemporary Social Anthropologist focusing primarily on Islam, Gender, and Conflict Studies, who explains: “Antisemitism is constitutive for the Islamic Republic of Iran. Ayatollah Khomeini declared the annihilation of Israel a state goal as early as 1979—a doctrine that has been repeated by religious and political leaders ever since.”

Not sure we needed a social anthropologist to reach this informative conclusion. But she adds: “This project is to be achieved through military attacks, which is why Hezbollah was set up. On the other hand, ideological warfare is pursued, the instruments of which are the Iran-loyal Shiite communities and associations outside of Iran.”

This came as no surprise to Remko Leemhuis, Director of the American Jewish Committee (AJC) in Berlin, who told Bild: “If the findings of the investigation are confirmed, it would serve as new evidence of what we have been pointing out for a long time: that the mullah regime and its state terrorism are also a danger to Jews in Germany.”

Leemhuis explained: “It is to be hoped that the federal government will now take all necessary steps to avert this danger. For us, this means first and foremost that the Islamic Center in Hamburg, which is nothing more than a spy nest of the antisemitic regime, is finally closed and the director expelled.”

The article stands out with its failure to solicit a response from the accused side, a practice we’ve grown used to in Anglo-Saxon journalism. At the same time, who are we to begrudge German Jews their demand that Iranian Islamic centered be shut down?

Good luck…

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