Photo Credit: Flash90
The empty Departure halls of Ben Gurion Airport on March 8, 2020.

In response to the newly discovered ‘Omicron’ strain of the Coronavirus, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett convened the ministerial committee on fighting the coronavirus (the Corona Cabinet), on Saturday evening.

The following decisions were reached:


• Entry to – and exit from – Israel:

The entry of all foreign nationals to Israel is prohibited, except for cases approved by the exceptions committee.

– Israelis defined as either vaccinated or recovered according to Health Ministry procedures, will undergo PCR tests upon arriving in Israel, after which they will enter home quarantine. Subject to undergoing a second PCR test on the third day with a negative result, they will be released from quarantine. Whoever does not undergo an additional test on the third day will be required to complete a full quarantine.

– Non-vaccinated Israelis will undergo a PCR test upon landing in Israel, after which they will enter home quarantine. Subject to undergoing a second PCR test on the seventh day with a negative result, they will be released from quarantine. Whoever does not undergo an additional test on the seventh day will be required to complete a full quarantine.

– Israelis who return from countries defined as red (the full list has been issued by the information directorate on the fight against the coronavirus) will undergo a PCR test upon landing in Israel after which they will enter quarantine in a designated hotel until the results are received. Upon receiving a negative result, they will transfer to home quarantine and on the seventh day will undergo an additional PCR test. Upon receiving a negative result to the second test, they will be released from quarantine.

– The state will inform Israelis departing for overseas that the directives may change while they are abroad and that they will be responsible for adhering to the updated directives upon their return to Israel.

– The Finance and Tourism ministries will formulate ways to assist the tourism sector accordingly.

• The Israeli Security Agency (ISA) will activate cellphone monitoring in order to track verified cases of the new ‘Omicron’ strain, locate them and cut the chains of infections.

The foregoing will take effect upon approval of emergency regulations by the ministers of the Government. At the same time, legislation on the issue will be advanced.

• The Green Pass will apply in closed spaces in which there are gatherings with over 50 participants (as opposed to the current 100).

• Performances and activities over the Chanukah holiday will be unchanged, as per the plan that was approved last week, while strictly maintaining the Green Pass rules and implementing increased enforcement.

The decisions will take effect at midnight between Sunday (28 November 2021) and Monday (29 November 2021) remain in effect for 14 days.

Participating in the discussion were the Health Minister, the Foreign Minister, the Defense Minister, the Finance Minister, the Public Security Minister, the Transportation and Road Safety Minister, the Economy and Industry Minister, the Interior Minister, the Education Minister, the Housing and Construction Minister, the Energy Minister, the Religious Services Minister, the Innovation and Science Minister, the Tourism Minister, the Culture and Sports Minister, the minister in the Finance Ministry, the Director of the ISA, the Cabinet Secretary, the Attorney General, the Deputy Director of the National Security Council, the Prime Minister’s Office Director General, the Health Ministry Director General, the Finance Ministry Director General, the Education Ministry Director General, the Director General of the Office of the Alternate Prime Minister, the Transportation and Road Safety Ministry Director General, the Finance Ministry Budget Director, the Defense Ministry Director of Civil Defense, the Director of the Public Health Service, the national coronavirus project manager, GOC Home Front Command, the Director of the Population and Immigration Authority, Prof. Eran Segal, Prof. Ran Balicer, Prof. Yinon Ashkenazy, Prof. Doron Gazit, Prof. Eli Wachsman and other senior professionals.

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