Photo Credit: United Hatzalah
United Hatzalah volunteers in the crowd on Mt. Meron.

United Hatzalah, Israel’s national volunteer-based EMS organization, has completed all its operational and logistical preparations for medical coverage of the upcoming Lag BaOmer festivities on Mt. Meron when Hundreds of thousands will flock to the tomb of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai in Meron on the anniversary of his death, which falls on Monday and Tuesday, May 8 and 9.

United Hatzalah medical teams, which comprise doctors, paramedics, and EMTs from the entire country, will take part in the operation to ensure medical safety. They will operate in shifts and will be strategically positioned throughout the different compounds of the site in coordination with the various emergency agencies to provide the quickest medical response to any eventuality.


In addition, the organization’s medevac helicopters will be available throughout the festivities, ready to assist should the need arise.

The organization’s Founder and President, Eli Beer, commented on the preparations, saying: “We have been working closely with local authorities to ensure that we are fully prepared for the festivities in Meron. We want to thank the government project manager Yossi Deitch, the heads of the security and emergency agencies, as well as the organizers of the event for recognizing the key role United Hatzalah volunteers play in the biggest medical safety operation of the year.”

“Our dedicated team of volunteers has undergone extensive training to ensure that they are ready to provide the highest level of emergency medical care possible,” added Dov Maisel, the organization’s Vice President for Operations. “We call on all participants to follow the safety guidelines and instructions of the emergency and security forces to prevent any unnecessary harm or injury. We hope that the event will be a safe and joyous celebration for all.”

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