Photo Credit: Flash90
Israeli crime lord Amos Lavi in the Petah Tikvah magistrate court, June 16, 2017.

Senior Bedouin criminals warned the heads of Jewish crime families in Israel and their soldiers not to help or cooperate with the head of the crime family from Rehovot, Amos Lavi, News12 reported Monday morning.
The warning, posted on Tik Tok, follows the murder of Jewish criminal Benny Shlomo and the earlier murder of his Bedouin security guard.

The Tik Tok message reads (unpunctuated as in the original):

To all our Arab brothers and friends from the north to the south anyone who intervenes or helps the Lavi family or their organization (Rehovot) in our fight with them he will be our enemy and will pay a price we warn in this announcement everyone is responsible for his actions.
The Bedouin Criminals’ Tik Tok message. / Screenshot

The Bedouin criminals suspect that Lavi and his men had something to do with the murder of the security guard in July, when the latter guarded Benny Shlomo’s fortress villa in Moshav Heletz, located near Ashkelon, Kiryat Gat, and Sderot, in Israel’s south.

According to the report, the late Shlomo had a pact with several Bedouin crime lords in the Negev, whose soldiers he regularly employed as part of his security.

News12 cited a Bedouin criminal from the south who said, “We declared war on Amos Lavi and his people. He should not leave his house. They are connected to the murder of the security guard who guarded the house and we know very well who murdered Benny Shlomo. Anyone who helps them will be in very big trouble and it doesn’t matter where he is. We will close the account with them.”

In the years 2013-2015, the Lavi crime family, who were under the protection of Crime Lord Shalom Domrani, waged war against the Shlomo brothers from Moshav Heletz, during which a member of Domrani’s gang was killed by an explosive device in Ashkelon. In 2015, the Lavi name was linked to the murder of Shalom Shlomo, the brother of Benny Shlomo, outside his home in Moshav Telamim.

A member of the Lavi organization told News12 that the report about a clash between them and the Bedouin was “one big nonsense.”

Levi employs his own soldiers in the area of the Bedouin city of Rahat and other settlements in the Negev. In fact, a few months ago, Lavi and two Bedouin youths from Rahat were arrested on suspicion of setting off an explosive device that blew up near the Be’er Sheva home of Shlomo’s nephew. They were released a few days later.

So there.

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