Photo Credit: Courtesy
The herd is being rounded up.

Following an accident last week, in which a woman was injured when her vehicle collided with a cow that was roaming on Highway going out of Be’er Sheva, on Monday law enforcement agencies seized the herd to which the cow belonged.

The herd owner is expected to be picked up for questioning.

The herd is being rounded up.

The Regavim movement congratulated Israel Police on its rapid response, adding: “Immediately after the accident, we asked the police to launch an investigation immediately and to locate the owner of the herd, whose negligence caused the injury of the innocent motorist.”

The statement noted that “the joint and rapid action carried out by the Central Enforcement and Investigation Unit, Israel Nature and Parks Authority, Green Patrol and Police units proves that marking herd animals is vital.”

With that in mind, Regavim expressed the hope that “the camels law that we initiated, which is expected to be approved by the Knesset in the near future, will increase safety on the southern roads.”

Under the Camels Law, camel owners will be held criminally responsible for damages caused by their animals in road accidents. The law will require all camels to be tagged with digital subcutaneous identification chips, as is the case with Israeli pets. The law will also require camel owners who sell their animals to officially transfer ownership, in a process regulated and monitored through an Agriculture Ministry database.

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