Photo Credit: IDF
IDF fighters in Samaria.

It was a tense night in Samaria: IDF and Border Police fighters, led by the Corps of Engineers, overnight Wednesday destroyed an explosives lab that contained seven ready-to-use explosive charges in the Balata “refugee” camp on the outskirts of Shechem (we use quotes around “refugee” because no refugees live there). Later, the same forces destroyed a warehouse that contained eight ready-to-use charges.

Meanwhile, also overnight Wednesday, terrorists fired from a car on an IDF position in Huwara. The soldiers were not hurt, returned fire, and wounded and arrested one of the terrorists. The other terrorists escaped. The fighters seized from the car improvised explosive devices, a grenade, and a lot of ammunition and military equipment.


Meanwhile, hundreds of Jewish worshipers entered Joseph’s Tomb in Shechem overnight Wednesday to conduct the Yom Kippur Katan service on the eve of Rosh Chodesh Elul, under IDF security. Before the Jews arrived, there were many disturbances in the area, including burning tires, live fire, and throwing explosives. Needless to say, the IDF counter-attacked, and the PA Red Crescent reported eight injured terrorists, one in very serious condition, and 85 who suffered suffocation from tear gas.

Al-Quds reported that “large forces stormed the area to ensure that settlers stormed Joseph’s shrine and performed Talmudic prayers inside it.”

They use “Talmudic prayers” like it was witchcraft… Also, have you noticed that Jews no longer walk, or visit – Jews storm. As the prophet put it: “God is slow to anger and of great forbearance, but God does not remit all punishment, God travels in whirlwind and storm, with clouds of dust on divine feet.” (Nahum 1:3)

Also, according to the al-Quds version: “Violent confrontations erupted between dozens of young men and the Israeli occupation forces, while the various resistance groups confronted these forces and clashed with them with live ammunition and locally manufactured explosive devices.”

And: “A young man was seriously wounded in the chest as a result of being targeted by the occupation soldiers, while 10 were wounded by shrapnel from live bullets and were treated in the field.”

I for one don’t have a problem with the term “occupation forces.” Our greatest general, Joshua, also commanded an occupation force, and we inherited the lands he occupied. So, sure, occupy away.

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