Photo Credit: Shomron Municipality
Chanukah candle lighting at Kever Yosef (Joseph's Tomb). Dec. 21, 2022

PA Arab terrorists opened fired on Israeli soldiers at Kever Yosef (Joseph’s Tomb) in Shechem (Nablus) who were securing the holy site ahead of a monthly visit by Israeli worshippers in the early hours of Thursday morning.

A military spokesperson said the terrorists also threw firebombs at soldiers.


Soldiers returned fire, killing one of the terrorists.

Arab media identified him as 23-year-old Ahmed Atef Mustafa Daraghmeh. Photos posted on social media showed his body draped in a green Hamas flag. Five other terrorists were injured during the clashes.

Besides Hamas, the Lion’s Den and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror groups also said they were responsible for the attack.

The burial site of the Biblical Joseph is inside Shechem. The Israeli Defense Forces escorts visitors to the Jewish site once a month under heavy guard.

Thousands of Jews visited the tomb last night and lit the fourth Chanukah candle.

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