Photo Credit: Leib Abrams/Flash90
MK Itamar Ben Gvir in the Shimon HaTzadik neighborhood, February 27, 2022.

Otzma Yehudit Chairman MK Itamar Ben Gvir was driving from his home in Kiryat Arba to his temporary office in the Shimon HaTzadik neighborhood early Sunday morning, and on highway 60, near the Al Aroub refugee camp, he noticed masked terrorists throwing stones at passengers on the road. Ben Gvir stopped his vehicle and checked with the soldiers who were at the scene why they were not responding to the stone throwers that were endangering the lives of passengers on the road. The soldiers said they were waiting for additional forces.

Ben Gvir then drew his personal weapon and drove away the terrorists. He waited until the additional forces had arrived and then left the scene under their control.


On Dec. 22, 2021, Ben Gvir drew his weapon at two Arab security guards at Exhibition Yards in response to their threats.

Ben Gvir issued a statement Sunday morning, saying: “It’s out of control. Soldiers aren’t allowed to fire on terrorists without clearance and the lives of passengers on the road are in real danger. This time I managed to drive away the terrorists who threw stones and rocks after I drew my weapon. It only shows that soldiers should be given the authority to use gunfire at terrorists to prevent a catastrophe.”

The Tag Meir Forum, dedicated to catching Jews who defend themselves against Arab attackers, issued a counter-statement, saying: “The day is not far when Ben Gvir will use his gun against Palestinians, under the guise of his MK’s immunity. Pulling out his personal weapon in front of stone-throwers on Road 60 indicates that he acts as if there’s no central government in Israel and anyone can do what they feel is right.”

There is a central government in Israel, but it’s too busy chasing after Jews.

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