Photo Credit: United Hatzalah
Photo of the ambulance windshield, Dec. 26, 2020.

Just after 11 PM on Saturday, a United Hatzalah ambulance that was driving on Haim Bar-Lev Street in Jerusalem was caught in a violent confrontation outside Israel Police National Headquarters at Levi Eshkol Street. The ambulance, which had been returning from transferring a coronavirus patient, was struck by several bricks, one of which struck the windshield.

United Hatzalah Ambulance Driver Yochanan Tzemach reported: “I had just finished transferring a corona patient to one of the nearby hotels and was driving up the street when I passed two groups of people who were in the middle of an altercation. One group was made up of what appeared to be Arabs and the other group was made up of Jews. It appeared that the second group had come from the nearby protest that was being held at the National Headquarters. I stopped the ambulance so as not to go near the violence when all of a sudden stones were being thrown from the direction of the Arabs at the Jews and some of the bricks and stones hit the ambulance. One of the bricks struck the windshield, shattering it. I can’t be sure if the ambulance was the intended target of the stones or not. Thankfully, I was not harmed and there was no one else in the ambulance at the time.”


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