Photo Credit: Courtesy MDA
Father Yoel Galtt
Son Menachem Galtt / Courtesy MDA

Yoel Galtt, 45, from Einav, Samaria, a senior medic at MDA, contracted coronavirus a month and a half ago. He was admitted to the Sharon hospital, and the next day his wife and two of his children were also found to have contracted the virus. About two weeks ago, after all the family members had recovered, Yoel and one of his sons, Menachem, 20 an MDA EMT and dispatcher, returned to work.

Last week, Yoel and Menachem, as well as Menachem’s younger brother Levy, came to the MDA Blood Services Center, to donate plasma, which is the blood component that contains the corona’s antibodies, to save the lives of patients with the virus in severe and moderate condition.


“It was really simple,” Menachem Galtt said, “It’s a tiny puncture, like in a blood test, and if I could spend less than an hour of my life saving patients, it’s obvious I would, and I call on anyone who can to do just that. ”

Yoel Galtt, Menachem’s and Levi’s father said: “As a senior medic at Magen David Adom, I raised my children with the values of helping others and saving lives. Once enough time had passed since our recovery, and we could donate plasma in a simple procedure and help save Corona patients, we had no doubt we would.”

“It is exciting to see MDA’s employees help save patients’ lives in every way they can,” said MDA Deputy Director Genral of Blood Services, Prof. Eilat Shinar. “The procedure is very simple. We actually take blood from those who have recovered from the virus. During the process, the blood enters the machine which separates the plasma component and transfers it to a special bag, and all other blood components returned to the donor’s body. The important donation of Yoel and his two sons can help save the lives of four to five patients with the Corona virus.”

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