Photo Credit: Amos Ben Gershom (GPO)
President Rivlin hands out doughnuts and cake, Dec. 15, 2020.

President of Israel Reuven (Ruvi) Rivlin on Tuesday stopped at the Metzukei Dragot roadblock, overlooking the Dead Sea, and handed out to the soldiers on hand doughnuts and the orange cake that his late wife Nechama used to bake on Chanukah.

Later, after dark, the president lit six Chanukah candles with the men and women of the Valleys Brigade at Metzukei Dragot.


In the past, President Rivlin boasted that he baked Nechama’s orange cake on his own, remembering fondly how “she believed that food could talk to the heart better than words. Nechama knew how to give from the heart, and where there were no words, food took their place.”

Metzukei Dragot (Dragot Cliffs), named after the nearby Darga spring, is a privately owned hiking village that serves as a guest house and center for tourists and visitors to the Judaean Desert. It is located above Road 90 with a stunning view of the Dead Sea, at an altitude of about 400 meters above the surface of the Dead Sea.

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