Photo Credit: Olivier Fitoussi / Flash 90
Foreign Minister Yair Lapid with Ra'am chairman Mansour Abbas in the Knesset plenum, June 21, 2021.

The Opposition is preparing their fourth vote to disperse the Knesset, according to reporter Amit Segal.

But the condition under which the vote will be introduced, is only if Ra’am is still boycotting the Knesset. Currently, the Islamic Ra’am party is boycotting the Coalition and the Knesset in protest of the Jewish presence on the Temple Mount which they claim provoked Muslim violence. Ra’am made a list of demands from Bennett for their return.


This initial vote doesn’t require 61 majority to pass, as it’s simply a change to the election date in the basic Knesset law, so Ra’am’s absence is critical.

Ra’am is unlikely to continue their boycott if that means this coalition falls, as Bennett’s government has been quite good for them.

On the other hand, since the government is currently teetering, and many expect it to fall within the coming months, if Ra’am thinks it will help them in the elections, by being able to tell their electorate that they stood up to the Jews over the Temple Mount issue, or if the internal political pressures to stay in this coalition become to great, they might consider absenting themselves after all.

In a Facebook post today, Mansour Abbas, head of the Ra’am party, called for an end to the “occupation”, the creation of a Palestinian state in Gaza, Judea & Samaria, with Jerusalem as its capital, and at its heart, the Al Aqsa mosque, with Jordan in charge of the Al Aqsa Mosque.

Let’s not turn to leaks and repeated rumors from official and informal political parties. So the unified stance in the coalition regarding the Holy Aqsa Mosque file, will be determined based on the outcome of the Israeli Jordanian International Committee meetings.
Any other position is malfunction and political trading on this sacred issue. The leadership of the government (her president and deputy president) has reported this clear and concise position, following my consultation meeting with His Majesty King Abdullah II two weeks ago.
I also confirm that the demands and views regarding the Holy Aqsa Mosque are defined and directed by His Majesty King Abdullah II, the king of the Hashemian Kingdom of Jordan, the author of the covenant on the Holy Aqsa mosque and the religious sanctities in Jerusalem. With the constant confirmation that the final solution is the disappearance of the occupation and the construction of the Palestinian state in the Bank of Gaza and its capital Quds Al-Sharif and in the heart of the Holy Aqsa Mosque.
Our duty is to support the efforts of King Abdullah II, as it is the duty of all Arab and Muslim rulers, because the issue of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque is the issue of the entire Islamic Ummah, not a local political issue until unity is affected. And those who guard the Al-Aqsa Mosque and our pure Islamic right in it, must unite efforts and situations and not contradict those who direct responsibility and have guidance.

It appears Ra’am might be getting ready for elections after all, or at least sending a warning message to the coalition.

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