Photo Credit: The Jerusalem Princess Basma Centre Facebook page
His Excellency Adnan al-Husseini, Governor of Jerusalem

The Palestinian Authority Governor of the Jerusalem District Adnan al-Husseini on Tuesday declared that the Israeli Police plan to post smart security cameras that can detect the intentions of Muslim visitors to the Temple Mount is worse than the offending metal detectors which the same Israel Police has removed hastily lest it further offend thousands of Arab rioters.

Bet you didn’t know the PA had its own governor who rules over Jerusalem. Remember Moataz Hijazi? He was the Arab terrorist who tried to assassinate now MK Yehuda Glick outside the Menachem Begin Heritage Center in the fall of 2014. Shortly thereafter, Hijazi, member of the Islamic Jihad and a frequent flier in Israeli security prisons, was killed by the Shin Bet and Israel Police.


Palestinian Authority Governor of the Jerusalem District Adnan al-Husseini personally delivered a special message from Chairman Mahmoud Abbas to the grieving Hijazi family, saying: “With anger and condemnation we received the news of the ugly crime of the occupation, carried out by the killing and terror gangs of the despicable Israeli occupation army, against your son Moataz Ibrahim Hijazi, following which he rose to heaven as a martyr in defense of the rights and holy places of our people.”

Lest you belittle the fact that the PA has the chutzpah to appoint its own governor over a city that supposedly belongs entirely to Israel, it’s time to curb your belittling. On Monday night it became clear who really controls events in Jerusalem, and it’s not Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, it is Governor Adnan al-Husseini.

Utilizing its influence and financial prowess both in Judea and Samaria and inside Israel’s Arab communities, the Palestinian Authority managed – in under a week – to solidify its government over eastern Jerusalem and to deny any claim of Israeli sovereignty.

Governor al-Husseini’s taunt Tuesday morning, about the cameras being worse than the metal detectors they replace was yet another jab in the soft flesh of Israel’s RiNO (Rightwing by Name Only) government, which is simply less interested in sovereignty over the Holy Sites than the enemy.

The riots will continue, despite the Netanyahu cabinet’s capitulation that resulted in removing the metal detectors. The riots will continue because they have proven to work, because for many of the unemployed rioters whatever the PA is paying them to show up and scream “Allahu Akbar” beats sitting at home without air conditioning, and, by far more important: the riots will continue because the Arabs are more interested about who rules Jerusalem than most Israeli Jews.

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