Photo Credit: Gershon Elinson/FLASH90
Rabbi Dov Singer and Bat Galim Sha'ar, mother of kidnapped murdered Jewish teen Naftali Sha'ar, June 15, 2018.

The Efrat municipality in Judea on Wednesday issued a statement to its residents saying: “At our request, Rabbi Singer, the rabbi of Mekor Haim, a resident of Tekoa, has allowed us to publish that he is the 67th patient of the Coronavirus. The rabbi is feeling well. We are requesting that those who were in the presence of Rav Singer for 15 minutes and within 2 meters must enter into isolation and obey the instructions of the Ministry of Health. We wish the rabbi a complete and quick recovery. We will continue to update if necessary.”

Rabbi Dov Singer is the Rosh Yeshiva (senior dean) of Yeshivat Makor Chaim, which was established in 1985 under the visionary leadership of Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz. Today, the Makor Chaim Educational Institution operates a high school located in the Gush Etzion area, south of Jerusalem. It has been recognized by Israel’s Education Ministry as an Experimental School and a Teacher Training Institution.


In addition to the high school which serves close to 300 students each year, Makor Chaim also operates the Renewal Outreach Center, a nationwide outreach study and prayer program for personal spiritual development, as well as several training and development programs for educators and administrators who are committed to focusing on the student rather than on subject material.

Rabbi Singer is married and has 10 children.

Two of Rabbi Singer’s students, Naftali Frankel and Gil Ad-Sha’ar were kidnapped in the summer of 2014 and murdered by Hamas agents, an act that resulted in the 2014 Gaza war. Three of the yeshiva’s graduates were killed in that war.

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