Photo Credit: Yehiam Delicacies /

The Green Lantern Investment Fund has acquired a 51 percent stake in Kibbutz Yehiam’s sausage and pastrami production company, Yehiam Delicacies, according to Israeli business media.

The deal, estimated at between NIS 140-165 million comes as part of Green Lantern’s strategy to build its food investment fund.


It was approved by Israel’s Competition Authority Competition Commissioner, Adv. Michal Cohen.

Yehiam is the fourth largest supplier in the Israeli market, competing with Zoglobek and Tnuva (Tirat Zvi brand). The factory, which employs about 150 workers, was established in 1969 by members of Kibbutz Yehiam, originally from Hungary, who live in the Western Galilee.

The company produces, markets and sells its products in Israel and overseas, specializing in kosher pastrami, salami and other cold cuts as well as sausages and frankfurters.

More than 20 percent of the company’s products are exported to kosher and glatt kosher markets in the United States under the Hod Golan brand.

Yehiam exports its products under various brand names, including La Grange, to France, England, Italy and Hungary.

The company has a board of directors that is separate from the kibbutz to ensure its autonomy.

The deal with Green Lantern followed one in which Gad Dairy signed an agreement to purchase Kfar Tavor Dairy. Green Lantern inked a deal to acquire a 49 percent stake in Gad Dairy five years ago.

The sausage market in Israel last year totaled NIS 586 million, according to Sterncast data.

Five and a half years ago, Green Lantern acquired a 49 percent stake in Gad Dairy at a company value of some NIS 300 million.

The Green Lantern Group, owned by Richard Hunter, Josef Elias and Danny Ben-Rei, owns Feldman Ice Cream Company as well as Gad Dairy and Gillero Waffle Cups.

“The kibbutz decided to find a strategic partner that will join together to accelerate the company’s growth in the coming years,” explained Yehiam Delicacies CEO Yochai Ne’eman.

“At this point we were convinced that two are better than one, and even if the two are bigger than one, so much the better.”

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.