Canada Revokes JNF’s Tax-Exempt Status: It Supports the IDF

“JNF Canada will continue its charitable activity including collecting and receipting donations and distributing funds while the legal challenge is before the Federal Court of Appeal."

Canadian Citizen/Terrorist Neutralized in Netiv HaAsara

The Islamic Canadian terrorist yelled in English that the IDF is killing civilians.

‘Get Out of Canada’: Montreal MP Targeted with Antisemitic Flyer

"Sorry antisemites. You may not like what I have to say but I will keep saying it," lawmaker Anthony Housefather posted to X.

Toronto Synagogues Vandalized in ‘Suspected Hate-Motivated Offense’ – Ya Think?

The assailant threw rocks through the windows of two houses of worship before fleeing on a motorcycle.

Canada Sanctions Daniella Weiss, 79, for ‘Extremist Violence’

So, like, from now on they’ll have to buy their maple syrup in Vermont. And no quality hockey for you, Zionist rascals!

Canada Preparing to Evacuate Citizens from Lebanon, Kuwait Already Starting

Kuwait’s national carrier, Kuwait Airways, dispatched the first aircraft on Saturday “to evacuate nationals from Lebanon."

Israel Hails Canada’s Decision to List IRGC as Terrorist Entity

"Iran, and its terror infrastructure, must be held accountable for the crimes and atrocities they have committed and the terrorism they are spreading."

Canada Designates Iran’s IRGC as Terrorist Organization

Canadian financial institutions, such as banks and brokerages, are required to immediately freeze the property of a listed terrorist entity.

Hamas Conditions Hostage Deal on Permanent IDF Withdrawal, Chinese and Turkish Guarantees

Blinken noted regarding Hamas, “you have to question whether they’re proceeding in good faith or not.”

Vancouver Synagogue Target of Arson

Additional officers have been positioned at various locations in the city, including synagogues, Jewish community centers, religious schools, and public schools.

Montreal Yeshiva Targeted with Gunfire, Antisemitic Violence Skyrocketing in Canada

"On average, a Jewish Canadian was threatened or assaulted every fourth day in 2023. These figures are horrifying and warrant an immediate action."

Shots Fired at Chabad Girls School in Toronto

Multiple suspects fired gunshots from a dark-colored vehicle at the Bais Chaya Mushka school.

G7 Condemns Iran’s Attack on Israel, Working to Avoid Escalation

"With its actions, Iran has further stepped toward the destabilization of the region and risks provoking an uncontrollable regional escalation. This must be avoided."

Canadian Weapons Makers Push Back Against Boycott on Israel

Apparently, $20 million will get you a lot of toys in Canada.

Canada Halts Military Shipments to Israel, a Permanent Ban May Follow

A Canadian ban on military trade with Israel would send lots of blue-collar Canadians to the unemployment line.

Kosher Agencies Make No Bones About ‘Flawed’ Canadian Slaughter Laws

“When the Jewish community is being treated differently than other communities in Canada because of our religious beliefs, that is discrimination,” said Richard Rabkin, managing director of the Kashruth Council of Canada.

Canada to Absorb Gazan Immigrants, Biden Rejects Pressuring Egypt to Help

Canada has adjusted its stringent family criteria during the Gaza war and has effectively assisted certain individuals in exiting through the Rafah border.

Canadian City Reverses Menorah Ban

“The decision was wrong and reeks of discrimination,” the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies stated of the initial ban.

Firebombs Found in 2 Jewish Institutions in Montreal

Since the Oct. 7 Hamas massacre, Montreal police tallied 48 reported hate incidents against Jews and 17 against Arabs.

Montreal Suburb Proves Solidarity with Israel

Anyone caught removing a poster of missing Israelis abducted by Hamas will be fined $1,000 Canadian, the mayor said. Moreover, all the funds resulting from those fines will be transferred as a donation to Israel.

Canadian House Speaker Resigns after Honoring Ukrainian Nazi in Zelenskyy’s Entourage

He will go down in history as the first politician to lose his job for misguided applause.

Canada’s House Speaker Apologizes for Praising Zelenskyy’s Nazi Companion

Speaker Anthony Rota pointed to the very elderly Hunka, urging the House to give him, too, a standing ovation.

Birthright Summer Cuts Participation by 40% Citing Economic Stress

The program has a waiting list of 20,000 young Jewish adults who will be disappointed this summer.

With Rabbinic Dispensation, New York Jews Ship Emergency Supplies to Montreal on Passover

Yossi Margaretten of Chaverim of Rockland, N.Y., told JNS how and why his second night of Passover was different from all his other second Passover nights.

Swastikas Mar Historic Orthodox Synagogue in Montreal

“This vile act shows us that Jew-hatred is alive and well in Canada,” according to Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center.

Canadian Condo Commands Jewish Homeowner to Ditch Mezuza

“I am offended deeply that in 2023 this nonsense still exists.”

Jewish Group Criticizes Canada for Financing ‘Pay for Slay’

“With a per capita GDP of roughly $3,500 and an average unemployment rate of 25 percent, the P.A. simply could not afford to pay for the salaries of terrorists without international assistance," said the Abraham Global Peace Initiative.

Ontario College of Psychology Demands ‘Retraining’ for Conservative Pundit Jordan Peterson

Peterson, a psychologist, writes about climate change models, gender-change surgery for minors and potential political vengeance activities.

Radical Islamists to Convene in Toronto Conference

“The Toronto conference contains an impressive array of radicals from a variety of different, competing strains of Sunni Islam and Sunni Islamism,” according to Sam Westrop, director of Islamist Watch.


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