The Beer Sheva District Court on Thursday sentenced Bedouin businessman Yacoub Abu Al-Qia’an, 50, father of 21 children, a resident of the Negev, to a one year in prison for contacting an Iranian agent and passing information to the enemy.
Abu Al-Qia’an, a businessman, who had a criminal record, was a candidate on the Telem party list led by former Defense Minister Moshe (Bogi) Yaalon in February 2021. Yaalon eventually dropped from the race.
According to the original indictment, Al-Qia’an is accused of having provided information about Benny Gantz’s schedule and location while Gantz was Defense Minister. His investigation was considered a high-level state secret, and Al-Qia’an was kept under administrative detention for a long time.
The District Judge disputed the prosecution’s demand for only one year, suggesting the offense called for 20 to 40 months, but finally approved Al-Qia’an’s plea deal.
In 2019, while on a business trip, Al-Qia’an met with an Iraqi citizen named Haider who resided in Turkey. After the Israeli Bedouin joined Yaalon’s party, Haider contacted Al-Qia’an telling him his clients – whom he first said were Iraqi but eventually admitted they were Iranian – were interested in receiving information from him.
Between October 24 and 25, 2020, Al-Qia’an revealed to Haider details on Gantz’s whereabouts, including his dealings with representatives of the UAE and Saudi Arabia. Later, between November 2020 and January 2021, the accused provided more information on an urgent Israeli cabinet meeting.
Al-Qia’an’s communications with Haider continued until his detention.