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Egyptian ambulances and supply trucks waiting to enter the Gaza Strip, November 1, 2023.

Forty Egyptian ambulances entered the Gaza Strip through the Rafah Border Crossing on Wednesday to transport injured patients for treatment in Egypt.

Meanwhile, according to Al Ahram, the first group of individuals with dual nationalities who had been trapped in Gaza was allowed to leave for Egypt. Mind you, those were not the Israeli hostages who were kidnapped by Hamas on October 7.


The move was negotiated by Qatar, with the consent of Israel, Egypt, and Hamas.

According to Al-Jazeera, 80 wounded and 400 foreign nationals are scheduled to be transported into Egypt on Wednesday. Al-Qahera News reported on Tuesday that Egypt had set a limit of 81 critically injured Gazans to be evacuated to a field hospital in northern Sinai. Egyptian North Sinai Governor Mohamed Shosha said the total capacity of area hospitals on the Egyptian side is 350 beds.

Foreign nationals rush through the Rafah crossing, Wednesday, November 1, 2023:

Fifteen hospitals in Gaza went out of service, as did 32 healthcare clinics, due to IDF bombardments and a lack of fuel. Israel declared it was going to attack Hamas wherever its terrorists were hiding, including medical facilities. Hamas is renowned for posting its headquarters and other facilities near and even inside hospitals.

The Hamas-controlled Gaza health ministry reported that as of Tuesday, Israeli bombardments had killed 8,525 Gazans. Of course, the same report claimed they were mostly women and children, because, you know, they make the best terrorists.

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