Photo Credit: Wikimedia / Wild Jordan / jcookfisher
Amman, Jordan

Israel has evacuated its embassy staff in Rabat, Morocco and in Cairo, Egypt due to the escalating risk of deadly violence, according to a report by Yediot Achronot.

Israel’s Foreign Ministry declined to confirm the report.


Jordanian security forces worked to stop dozens of rioters from surrounding and torching the Israeli embassy in Amman as well. The protesters attempted to storm the embassy compound after breaking through a security barrier but were stopped after Jordanian forces fired tear gas at the mob, AFP reported.

Residents in all three Arab nations gathered to protect damage to a hospital in Gaza City caused by a misfired rocket barrage launched by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist organization. The rocket fire, aimed at Israel, instead landed in the parking lot of the Baptist Hospital in Gaza City, causing damage and an unclear number of injuries and deaths.

Despite irrefutable proof that the attack originated in Gaza – rockets launched by terrorists in the cemetery behind the hospital – Arabs around the world were convinced by false reports broadcast and tweeted by pro-Hamas media.

The Quds News Network reported that angry protesters tried to storm the Israeli embassy in Amman in response to “atrocities being perpetrated right now by Israel in Gaza.”

Colluding with the myriad false reports, the Jordanian government issued a statement saying that Israel “bears responsibility for this grave incident,” referring to the terrorist rocket fire on Gaza’s own hospital.

In addition to the evacuation of the Israeli embassies in Cairo and Rabat, Israel raised the state of alert in every other Israeli embassy around the world.

In Argentina, the Israeli and US embassies were evacuated following bomb threats to both, and six airports throughout France were similarly evacuated in response to bomb threats as well.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.