Photo Credit: Twitter screenshot
The weapons confiscated from Jordanian MP Imad al-Adwan, April 23, 2023.

Israelis have petitioned Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu demanding that weapons Jordanian parliamentarian Imad al-Adwan tried to smuggle into the Shomron be assigned to strengthen security there and in Judea.

Israel on May 7 released al-Adwan, who was arrested in April on suspicion of smuggling weapons and gold through the Allenby Crossing into Israel. Jerusalem reportedly reached an understanding with Amman according to which he would be arrested upon his return, prosecuted and punished.


The petition was spearheaded by the Shurat HaDin organization on behalf of residents of Judea and Samaria. The initiative is being supported by Itamar resident David Stern, who was shot at point-blank range in March during a Palestinian terrorist attack in Huwara, outside Nablus in Samaria.

Stern, a dual US-Israeli citizen, is a former US Marine and a martial arts and weapons instructor and trainer.

“I ask the Israeli government to put an end to the policy of containment and restraint and to start implementing zero tolerance towards those that would cause us harm, whether bodily or mental. The release of the Jordanian member of parliament is yet another step towards obliterating Israeli deterrence,” said Stern.

“I expect the elected government to take action to strengthen security in Judea and Samaria and to provide additional tools for us to protect our homes. The seized weapons ought to reach the proper hands, licensed Israelis who will bolster the security of the Judea and Samaria communities,” he added.

Al-Adwan was arrested on April 22 after 12 rifles and 194 pistols were found in his vehicle, the Shin Bet internal security service said.

“The suspect has not been released but completed his questioning in Israel and is being transferred to the custody of Jordanian security officials, who continue the investigation with him…. He will stand trial,” an Israeli security official said last week.

“There are many loose ends to the investigation that are [best pursued] with the Jordanians, and therefore their cooperation, including additional investigations with them, [are necessary], because this is something that the security forces in Israel cannot do,” he added.

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