Photo Credit: David Cohen / Flash 90
U.N. peacekeepers associated with UNIFIL patrol the border between Israel and Lebanon on Aug. 27, 2019.

Four UNIFIL employees were injured in south Lebanon on Saturday after a shell exploded near them while they were on foot patrol near the Blue Line, which is Lebanon’s recognized UN border with Israel.

The unit consisted of three OGL (UNTSO) observers and a Lebanese translator. They were evacuated for medical treatment.


The source of the shell and explosion are still unknown, but the IDF released a statement that they did not strike any UNIFIL vehicle near Rmeish (Rmeych) this morning.

The explosion occurred in Rmeish, a Christian village where Hezbollah recently clashed with local residents. The local residents do not want Hezbollah to enter and use their village to attack Israel.

In addition, a Hezbollah rocket landed in the Israeli town of Margoliot on Saturday morning.


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