Photo Credit: Chaim Goldberg/FLASH90
Lt. Col. Ofer Winter (L) vs. Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

The majority of Israelis prefer Lt. Col. Ofer Winter as Defense Minister over the incumbent Yoav Gallant, according to a survey by News 14 and the Direct Polls Institute published Thursday night. The same survey shows Netanyahu’s Likud party pulling ahead of Gantz’s National Unity.

According to the survey, 57% of the general public prefer Lt. Col. Ofer Winter, who was dismissed from the army this week (IDF Chief Halevi, DM Gallant Boot Brigadier General Who Dared to Say ‘Shema Israel’ to his Troops), compared to only 43% who support the current Defense Minister Gallant. However, among respondents who voted for the coalition parties, Winter is ahead with 79% compared with Gallant’s 21%.


Asked whether it is proper for Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi, who was responsible for the IDF’s collapse on October 7, 2023, would appoint new senior IDF officers and thus shape the next IDF command, 56% said it is improper, only 36% think it is proper, and 8% said they don’t know.


If the Knesset elections were held today, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud would be the largest party in Israel with 25 seats. Right behind would follow the National Unity party, headed by Ministers Benny Gantz and Gadi Eisenkot, with 23 mandates. 

Right-wing parties

Likud – 25

Shas – 10

Otzma Yehudit – 9

United Torah Judaism – 8

Religious Zionism – 5

Right-wing coalition total: 55

Center-left parties

National Unity – 23

Yesh Atid – 13

Israel Beiteinu – 8

Labor – 4

Meretz – 4

Center-left opposition total: 52

Arab parties

Ra’am – 6

Hadash-Ta’al – 4

Arab parties total: 10


Asked who better fits to serve as prime minister between Netanyahu and Gantz, 46% preferred Netanyahu, compared with 33 who picked Gantz. A considerable percentage, 21%, answered Neither.

In choosing between Netanyahu and Yair Lapid, 48% picked Netanyahu, compared with 29% who wanted Lapid, with 23% who wanted neither.


81% of respondents believe that political considerations regarding the upcoming elections in the US motivate Biden’s pushing Israel to a bad ceasefire deal in Gaza with the Hamas terrorists. Only 13% say Biden is concerned about preserving Israel’s security. 6% of the survey respondents don’t know.

58% of respondents would prefer Donald Trump as the president of the US instead of Biden. Only 31% prefer the incumbent. 11% of the survey respondents did not have a position on the matter.

The majority of respondents think the IDF operation in Rafah is not being conducted with sufficient force. 64% of respondents said the IDF was using “Less than the required force.” In contrast, 22% of respondents answered that the IDF is operating in Rafah at the appropriate level of force. Only 6% thought the operation in Rafah was being carried out with a force that was “beyond what’s required.” 8% said they don’t have a position on the matter.

The survey was compiled by Shlomo Filber and Zuriel Sharon through Direct Falls Ltd. for News Now 14 on May 9, 2024, using a digital system combined with a panel, among 512 sampled adults (aged 18+) who are a representative sample of the general population in Israel. The statistical sampling error is 4.8% with a ± 95% probability.

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