Photo Credit: Courtesy Land Research Center
Khan al-Ahmar

Forty structures in the illegal Bedouin Arab outpost of Khan al-Ahmar, in Gush Adumim (the cluster of Kfar Adumim, Alon, and Nofei Prat, near Ma’ale Adumim) on Sunday were served with eviction notices, News 0404 reported.

Residents of the illegal outpost will have to appear before a supervisory committee for a discovery process, following which they are expected to be served with demolition notices.


The Civil Administration in the Territories confirmed that the eviction notices had been served and that “enforcement will be carried out according to policy directives and the necessary legal permits.”

The action against the illegal residents was a collaboration of News 0404 and the Regavim movement. Boaz Golan, founder of News 0404, said his next target will be the Arab squatters near the historic Jewish town of Susya. According to Golan, the illegal squatters’ compound has been usurped by dozens of families from the village of Yata, a renowned concentration of anti-Israel terrorists.

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