Photo Credit: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90
MK Nissim Vaturi, June 26, 2023.

Likud MK Nissim Vaturi on Tuesday told Reshet Bet radio regarding PM Netanyahu’s rebuke of Israeli anarchists who are hounding him and other coalition members in the US, comparing them to the PLO and Iran, that the ex-pats in question are actually worse than those two vile groups.

“They join them in their demonstrations and they are worse than them,” he said. “They come and destroy the State of Israel.”


Just before boarding his flight to the United States on Saturday night, Netanyahu attacked the protesters, saying “They join allied the PLO and Iran, whoever organizes the protest is equipped with a lot of money, they are defaming Israel before the nations. When I was the head of the opposition, I never did that.”

The Prime Minister’s Office issued a clarification after his plane had taken off, saying that “When the Prime Minister used the word ‘join,’ he was referring to the fact that while he will be representing the State of Israel at the UN, Israeli citizens would be demonstrating at the same time as PLO and BDS supporters – something that had never happened before. It is to be hoped that the Israeli demonstrators will take at least a few minutes to also demonstrate against those who deny the State of Israel’s right to exist.”

Minister David Amsalem on Tuesday attacked the Israeli anarchists in the US from the Knesset podium, saying, “You have crossed every red line, you are dragging the entire nation of Israel into the abyss. You are making a mess and saying we are responsible. You are destroying democracy and we are guilty of only one thing – alas, we won the election.”

The anarchists’ WhatsApp list in NYC announced early Tuesday morning that Netanyahu’s flight from San Jose, where he met billionaire Eilon Musk, was delayed, and so harassment proceedings in front of the Loews Regency hotel will start at 3:30 PM. Bring your zamboora.

This is the schedule for this week’s harassments, courtesy of NYC ProDemocracy 3 UnXeptable / Screenshot



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