Photo Credit: IDF Spokesperson
The IDF captured a Palestinian Islamic Jihad post in Gaza, compete with a battery of rockets ready for launch. November 17 2023

The Israeli agency COGAT (Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories: Judea and Samaria and towards the Gaza Strip) reported on how Hamas terror attacks on Israel actually lead directly to the deaths of people in Gaza, saying, “Hamas does not care about Gaza civilians.”

COGAT reported that according to Hamas’ own data and documentation, about 11% of their indiscriminate rocket launches at Israeli civilians from within Gaza, since the October 7 massacre, fell within Gaza, resulting in the deaths of Gazan civilians – and Hamas covered it up.


In an internal document uncovered by Israel which was issued by the military wing of Hamas and dated to 2020, it can be seen that Hamas is aware of the high rate of failed launches carried out by the terrorist group as well as by its fellow terror organization Islamic Jihad, and the danger this poses to Gazan civilians. Because of this, Hamas demanded Islamic Jihad not install rocket launchers near the homes of Hamas members to avoid the risk to its own people.

Another document showed that despite Hamas knowing that Gazan civilians were killed as a result of the failed rocket launches, the report issued by the Ministry of Health in the Gaza Strip, which Hamas controls, claimed that these people were killed as a result of Israeli attacks.

As for humanitarian aid being transferred to Gaza, COGAT reported that, over the last few days, 21 ambulances were transferred to the Gaza Strip.

Since the start of the war, the agency has facilitated the transfer of 105 ambulances to Gaza.

COGAT also refuted a CNN report that claimed 500 trucks a day pre-war entered Gaza with supplies, explaining the figure included exports and the import of building materials and industrial supplies, some of which was used by Hamas for its terror tunnels. Only an average of 70 trucks a day entered Gaza carrying food pre-war.

The average number of food trucks entering Gaza per day is now 140.

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