Photo Credit: Yonit Schiller
Lone soldiers who landed in Israel this week.

Throughout the summer, Nefesh B’Nefesh will be facilitating a total of 16 group Aliyah flights, with designated blocks of seats reserved for its Olim on commercial flights to Israel. Two of these flights, arriving this week, will have 78 future Lone Soldiers aboard, in coordination with Israel’s Ministry of Aliyah & Integration, The Jewish Agency for Israel, Keren Kayemeth Le’Israel, JNF-USA and Tzofim-Garin Tzabar.

These flight arrive amidst a record-high interest in Aliyah in Jewish communities in the US. Since the beginning of April 2020, 3,495 Aliyah applications were submitted to Nefesh B’Nefesh, compared with 1,373 over the same time period in 2019, a 155% increase in interest in Aliyah.


The future Lone Soldiers, volunteering to serve in the IDF without immediate family living in Israel, will join 3,500 Lone Soldiers from around the world under the Nefesh B’Nefesh-Friends of the IDF (FIDF) Lone Soldiers Program. These young men and women, once they become Israeli citizens, enlist in the IDF as required of all Israelis at the age of 18. The majority of those on these flights hail from California, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania.

Lone soldiers who landed in Israel this week. / Yonit Schiller

Once enlisted, these Olim become part of the Nefesh B’Nefesh and FIDF Lone Soldiers Program which cares for thousands of Olim soldiers from around the world currently in active service. This program, with the full support of the IDF, offers guidance, support, and care for all Lone Soldier Olim during each stage of their service, after release from the army, and during the adjustment stages to civilian life.

“These young men and women who chose to make Aliyah from North America and will enlist in the IDF to serve in the front lines of Israel’s defense and security are our people’s greatest pride, said Minister of Aliyah and Integration, MK Pnina Tamano-Shata. “We support and assist Lone Soldiers that made Aliyah through a variety of meaningful programs, and I intend to further expand their rights and benefits. Along with the citizens of Israel, I salute them as an inspiration to us all. Under my leadership, the Ministry will continue to comprehensively assist the new Olim, especially during these times, as the challenges facing Olim have increased. I would like to thank Nefesh B’Nefesh for its extensive support and cooperation in promoting Aliyah from North America.”

“During the best of times, it takes a tremendous amount of courage for these young men and women to pick up their lives, leave their families abroad, and volunteer to serve in the IDF,” said Rabbi Yehoshua Fass, Co-Founder and Executive Director of Nefesh B’Nefesh. “Now, despite all odds, the future Lone Soldiers who arrived on these flights are once again proving that nothing will stand in the way of those individuals who are looking to fulfill their Zionist dreams.”

“Military service in the IDF is difficult and challenging for every soldier, and even more so for Lone Soldiers. Their decision to come to Israel and enlist in the IDF is a brave and noble act, one that is rooted in a deep sense of mission, determination, and love of the State of Israel. This is true Zionism,” said Maj. Gen. (Res.) Meir Klifi-Amir, FIDF National Director and CEO. “The Friends of the Israel Defense Forces will continue to stand by their side and provide them with educational, cultural, recreational, and financial support during and after their military service, out of profound appreciation and respect for their contribution, and to ensure that although they are far from home, they never feel alone.”

“These young women and men are an inspiration to the entire Jewish people,” said Isaac Herzog, Chairman of the Jewish Agency for Israel. “Being a Lone Soldier comes with its own challenges, and for this reason we at The Jewish Agency will make every effort to support these young people as they build their new lives in Israel.”

“I decided to make Aliyah after I visited twice and fell in love with Israel,” said new Olah and future IDF soldier, Naomi Jaffe, 18, from Boulder, CO. “I have wanted to challenge myself and be part of Israel’s society, and I thought the best way to do it is to make Aliyah after high school and join the IDF. I want to be part of something bigger than myself and live in a place where I feel is meaningful for me.”

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