Photo Credit: Hatzalah Without Borders
Huge rock smashed a windshield in stone-throwing attack by Arab terrorists, August 18, 2019.

Three 18-year-old Colorado teens were charged on Wednesday with murder in connection with an attack that mirrors the methods used by Palestinian Authority terrorists.

Bartell was talking to a friend on the phone when a heavy rock smashed through her front windshield and hit her, sending her vehicle careening off the road into a field.


The young woman’s body was found in the field by her friend, who tracked her location using an app after the phone went silent.

According to the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office, Bartell was killed by the rock, not the crash.

Joseph Koenig, Nicholas “Mitch” Karol-Chik and Zachary Kwak were charged with first-degree murder in the attack, and prosecutors are contemplating additional charges, according to a report by The Denver Post.

The teens allegedly hurled landscaping rocks at drivers on a road in Colorado, killing 20-year-old Alexa Bartell in one of a string of attacks that began just after 10 pm.

The rocks that were thrown at cars in the area that night were between four and six inches (10 and 15 centimeters) in diameter and weighing between three to five pounds (1.4 to 2.7 kilograms), according to ABC News.

The attacks took place in seven different locations around the Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge and Standley Lake area, about 20 miles northwest of Denver, targeting at least seven vehicles. In addition to Bartell, two other drivers were hurt, both with mild injuries.

At least five rock-throwing attacks were reported in 2021 by local news organizations in Seattle, Washington.

Murderous rock-throwing attacks aimed at motorists actually date back more than 40 years, with Palestinian Authority terrorists targeting Israeli drivers on the roads of Judea and Samaria.

At least three Israeli children and one adult have been killed in rock-throwing attacks since 2001.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.