Setting Teachers Up for Success
Every classroom needs rules, but instead of writing, No calling out, frame the rules in positive terms as Raise your hand before speaking.
Letters Reveal A Family Saga Before The Shoah
Plant into our hearts Your love and Your reverence so that we shall follow Your commands and proceed in Your way.
Read About America – In 1870, In Hebrew
Shevile Olam Chadash gives us insight into the widespread longing for the New World felt by the oppressed Jews in Eastern Europe...
Rav Meir Shapiro’s American Fundraising Efforts
What I found most interesting about this letter that Rav Meir Shapiro also wrote down for himself many inscriptions. One side lists an outline for a sermon or shiur he was giving, with a brilliant array of sources jotted down in brevity, stringing together a concept and theme for his lecture.
The Jews’ Fate – And G-d
When Jews are defeated and sent into exile, it is not only a tragedy for them. It is a tragedy for G-d.
Our Responsibility To Choose
Hillel, according to Rambam, is emphasizing that we all have free will to improve ourselves and acquire virtues...
When “Bad” Things Happen: How To View Suffering
During difficult times, we should remind ourselves that everything, including suffering, emanates from Hashem. Though Hashem is the ultimate good and wants the best for us, we know that grief also comes from Him: A person does not stub his toe below unless it was declared above (Chullin 7b).
That Bloomberg “Centrist” Bloomlet
The United States is seized with issues that old style American liberalism simply couldn’t get its arms around.
Ignoring The ‘Facts On The Ground’
Sadly, those who should be supportive and encouraging may be pessimistic by nature or have their own agenda for not wanting the individual to succeed.
Dear Dr. Yael
Relationships are complicated. Children react differently to their parents. Unfortunately in many situations that I work with, the in-law children sometimes influence their spouses to have less derech eretz for their parents.
What’s The Future Of Social Shopping?
Despite its potential, though, social shopping has some glaring limitations.
For The Best Sufganiyot – It’s Sesame
The fillings may all be different, but one thing that is almost always the same is that there’s an ample amount inside your sufganiyah.
Chicago Jewish Leaders Urge Recognition of Antisemitism In Synagogue Shooting Incident
Certain details around the incident are not being shared or reported with the public, Soroka said. There’s a feeling that if this happened to a different community, it would be covered differently.
How To Teach Your Children About Money
I am of the opinion that children’s money belongs to them, and if they want to blow it on junk from the local discount store, that is their prerogative.
Daf Yomi
No Fault Lines
“…His Father And Mother Were In Prison…’
(Yevamos 71b)
The Big Shutdown
Thoughts filled the air with: What will be with the virus? When will the roads be open again? What decree was sealed in heaven this year for the nation?
Word Prompt – PEYOS – Bari Mitzmann
I did notice that the Hebrew word for wig is a peya, so I’m naturally going to think of a connection there.
Dementia Diary – Chapter 38
He kept repeating this phrase. Our aide had been telling him that she did not know what he was talking about. That was a big mistake. Never admit that we are that dumb! Hubby then looks down on us and gets angry.
Nacho Business!
You have not asked for sympathy, guidance or their opinion. Yet, you are not sure how you can stop the onslaught without calling more negative attention to yourself.
Human Coronaviruses
Uttering this plea is my verbal version of going after rodfei Yisrael. In Jewish law, one can initiate pre-emptive self-defense, and "take out" someone before they do it to you.
Hochul Aims To Control Hate In New York State
I’m feeling the same as when it happened in my country. I'm feeling those same voices of evil and hatred are rising up, and where are the people stopping it?
The Last 7 Days in Israel
A nationwide lockdown is being considered, but in the meantime it was decided to lockdown only charedi areas because the courts won't protect them like they would other places.
The Month Of Elul
In Chassidic tradition, it is said that during this month, “the King (G-d) is in the field,” smiling and accessible to all. On the other hand, once the holidays are upon us, G-d is, so to speak, in His palace. The experience during the holidays is that much more powerful and majestic, but now is the time when anyone can approach G-d with requests and be received.
Filling The Void: The Spiritual Joy Of Wasting Words (Part II)
Destroying the yetzer for transcendence was like destroying a spiritual radio located within our consciousness. Once you destroy the radio, the transmitter and receiver no longer operate.
The Jewish Press Endorses Donald Trump For President Of The United States
What the absence of an incumbent meant was that any accounting for Biden’s policies – and any possible course corrections – would come only as a result of how effectively the Trump campaign would be able to tie VP Harris to failed Biden decision-making.
Daf Yomi
Crystal Clear
‘Speak Like One’s Teacher’
(Shabbos 15a)
All For The Good
Looking back at Jewish history, we see that periods of suffering were always followed by periods of success and growth.