Are We Jews No Better Than Arabs?

The difference between Jewish and Arab violence is nothing less than the difference between what is right and what is wrong.

Islam, Sexual Violence, and the West

Denial is not a strategy. Western countries that cherish women's rights must wake up to the fact that many migrants could challenge those values

A Small Jewish World

Two recent experiences served to drive home the point to me that – with apologies to the popular Disney musical boat ride “It’s a Small World” – it really is a small Jewish world.

Manhattan JCC Hosting Event with Israeli Anti-Zionist, Communist Avraham Burg

Burg rejects Israel as a Jewish state; says Israel "like Germany just before the rise of Hitler”

American Jewish Chaplains and the Displaced Jews of WWII

The chaplain’s involvement was especially critical because the  American military government failed to appreciate the Jews had special needs having been selected for total annihilation.

Arab-Israeli Ties: Hostage No More?

Arab leaders–unlike Trump–understand that Israeli-Palestinian peace is nowhere on the horizon. It’s clear from the proposal itself which asks Israel to leave the status quo essentially unchanged, not concessions on any final-status issue

Uses–and Abuses–of Children

Challenged of raising children from the cradle to young adulthood

Arafat’s Untimely Death

The argument for releasing Barghouti is that he is a moderate who favors a peaceful solution.

Emergencies Make Awful Law: Why are Casinos Treated More Favorably than Churches During a...

Under the first amendment, churches hold a higher protected status than comparably sized and ventilated businesses. So, as an initial matter, it would appear unconstitutional for a state to prohibit church assemblies of more than 50 congregants, regardless of the size of the building, while allowing a casino to host up to half their usual number of gamblers, which in some cases can exceed 1,000.

Michael Oren is Tired of American Jews-and So Am I

US Jews prefer to be like their non-Jewish liberal friends complaining about "settlements" and Bibi

A False Theatrical Peace

This past Sunday night, the play "Oslo" won the Tony Award for Best Play. Does a Broadway that gets this history so terribly wrong matter?

The Yom Kippur War’s ‘Miracle Of The Immense Planes’

White House chief of staff Alexander Haig concurred: “As soon as the scope and pattern of Israeli battle losses emerged, Nixon ordered that all destroyed equipment be made up out of U.S. stockpiles, using the very best weapons America possessed…. Whatever it takes, he told Kissinger…save Israel.”

Threats of 2017 – Mideast, Terror, Weapons – Will Linger in the New Year

Many of the problems of 2017 will follow us into the New Year, 2018

Hannah Szenes And George Soros: A Study In Moral Contrasts

This is the story of two Hungarian Jews and their diametrically opposed responses to the unimaginable horrors of the Holocaust. The reactions and their consequences for Israel and the Jewish people to this day bear examination.

The Fur Coats Of Englewood

Spring is here, and with it the disappearance of that most exotic of species, the winter fur coat.

Ilhan Omar’s Ignorance and Bigotry on Gaza Rockets

Israel is also celebrating its 71st year of independence. No nation has contributed so much to humankind in so short a period of time. No nation faced with threats compared to those faced by Israel has ever had a better record of human rights, compliance with the rule of law or concern with avoiding civilian casualties. The world should join Israel in celebrating its 71 years of statehood.

Putin’s Terrorism Double Standards

Putin decries the Moscow massacre, while siding with the genocidal butchers of Oct. 7.


Frequently, when speaking with groups here in Hebron, I ask if anyone knows where the name ‘Palestine’ originated? More often than not, no one replies. So, let’s set the record straight.

The Real Dividing Line

One of us is a Christian pastor, the other is an Orthodox Jewish rabbi. Yet for all these differences, something recently united us. And it was not that we're both bald or that we both have beards!

The Divine Zionist Roadmap

We have our own biblical roadmap that has been guiding the Jewish people from its very inception by the divine plan revealed to our father Abraham.

Americans’ Two Conceptions of Israel

While the Trump presidency has forced clarity in the US on many domestic and foreign policy issues, the status of Israel in American politics and culture reveals different visions of America itself. One, for lack of a better term, is traditionally American. The other is decidedly “progressive.” But according to both, Israel is mythical and outsized.

Beware Of A Repeat Of ’92

Anyone who sees himself as a public leader and is running for the Knesset must demonstrate responsibility to the values he represents and to the voters who support him. So even it entails concessions and compromises, any leader of a right-wing party must think about the big picture and not just his personal aspirations

Commitment, Combat and Corona

Sending-off your son this week to serve in the IDF is a raw test of Zionist commitment, especially during a contagion.

Leviathan Natural Gas Field Could Be a Game-Changer for Israel-EU Relations

The vast Leviathan natural gas field off the Haifa coast could be a game-changer for Israel’s relations with the EU. Europe is currently dependent on Russian natural gas. A reliable and price-competitive natural gas alternative in the Mediterranean could diminish Moscow’s ability to use energy supplies as a political weapon against Europe.

From Shame To Pride

The very fact that I now clearly see what we stand for. I saw it before, but for some reason, since October 7, rather than feel ashamed to be a Jew, I feel even prouder.

Jewish Battle Cry of Freedom

Now is not the time to lay down our arms; it is the time to fight back against Israel's demonization

Europe’s Collusion in Palestinian Illegal Land Grab

It's galling of the European Union to express "humanitarian" outrage at Israel for razing illegal structures in the West Bank -- while the EU is in league with Palestinian criminals who have been brazenly stealing Arab-owned land.

In NY Times, Halbfinger’s Narrative Protects Hamas

Again and again, Halbfinger soft-gloves Hamas but pulls no punches with Israel.

The Maltz Maneuver: Interfaith Dialogue or Hear No Evil

The ISNA imam compared Sharia to Judaism and Jewish dietary laws (Kashrut - Kosher), and Christian laws.

To My Modern Orthodox Friends: What Are We Doing?

You’d be shocked to find how many don’t truly believe that Hashem actually authored the Torah. Yikes.


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