Enough With the Secular Saints

Victims and survivors have been raised to secular saints. Their victimhood supposedly renders their opinion on public affairs unimpeachable. This is a grave injustice—to the victims themselves and the rest of us.

Cold Shoulders And Cheeseburgers

Having received a number of comments regarding my Jan. 1 op-ed article "Its Time to Bring Back the Communal Cold Shoulder," it's apparent that I need to clarify my position.

Defending Rep. Mary Miller Was A Moral Imperative

Saying that Hitler got one thing right indicates that he got everything else wrong.

The Death of Outrage Revisited

That many who condemned the impact of the death of outrage regarding Clinton are now willing to rationalize Trump’s egregious behavior makes their hypocrisy even worse than their liberal counterparts.

“Like…wtf”: Israel’s Arab Citizens Feel Lucky

An overwhelming majority of the Israeli-Arab public opposed the Hamas attack.

Eco-Judaism: Nothing Jewish About This Fad

In recent years the American Jewish community has been the target of a campaign that tries to argue that Jews are theologically obligated to support each and every green fad to come along. Several organizations have arisen in the name of "eco-Judaism," which is nothing more than the endorsement of the environmentalist political agenda in the name of Judaism.

The Biden Administration’s War Against the Government of Israel

Before Oct. 7, rioters demanded the overthrow of Netanyahu’s coalition due to its “anti-democratic” policies and “corruption.” The new rallying cry is to free the hostages.

After The Shloshim: Who Was Dr. Ivan Mauer?

I have always fashioned myself a wordsmith. No longer. Dr. Ivan Mauer was Naomi Mauer's husband and Mrs. Irene Klass's son-in-law, and both Irene and Dr. Ivan died virtually simultaneously. And I must confess: Ivan was not only my good friend and our family doctor, but also a congregant who respected me and loved me - and consistently squabbled with me. Yet I could not find a single word in the entire thesaurus that would suit him.

A National Day of Mourning, not a Religious One

The constant mourning over the destruction of the land on Tisha B'Av, year after year, promised hope for a better future. When the Zionist movement arose towards the end of 19th Century, there was no need to explain what the return to Zion meant.

Rejoicing – Despite An Empty Seat

Ezra & Nechemiah taught “...do not be sad, for the joy of Hashem is your strength" Chag Sameach!

The Defense Minister’s Pen

Every building project in Judea & Samaria, every road, house, Yeshiva, factory and mikva can only be built with… the signature of the Defense Minister! Well, Defense Minister Lieberman, will you sign?

We Need To Be Careful When And Where We Speak Up

As a religious minority, American Jews benefit from a prevailing reluctance among most Americans to have explicitly religious tenets govern our pluralistic society.

According to Islam, Muslims Should Not Be at War With Jews

Sinem Tezyapar says, "Let us adopt a language of peace, a language of love. This is easy! And there is no other way."

The Purge of John Bolton

In Syria, President Trump, like Obama before him, seems oblivious to the reality that when the US withdraws, its enemies advance and fill the vacuum. Ousted NSA John Bolton has said that America is constraining its range of action through foolhardy entanglements with international institutions and naive bilateral agreements that promise too much to America’s enemies in exchange for too little. He maintains, correctly, that Americans support leaders who are not appeasers but defenders of American values, vital national interests, and human rights.

Setting the Record Straight: Part XVI: The Western Addiction to Bad News about...

The international press in Israel had become less an observer of the conflict than a player in it. It had moved away from careful explanation and toward a kind of political character assassination on behalf of the side it identified as being right

Come To Israel For Love

Come live in Israel-make us stronger and live unashamedly JEWISH in our God-given land. We need you.

Time To Give Chabad Its Due

Lately, I’ve been reading some very strange things in various Jewish media outlets about the history of kiruv (outreach) in America. I’ve had to read some of these articles several times over just to be certain my eyes weren’t deceiving me.

Rabbis Denied My Daughter a Jewish Education

I hoped the school would be supportive, and though the teachers were wonderful, the administrators made it clear they did not feel their school was the right place for her.

Legal Scholars Debate whether Netanyahu can Run for PM

"It would be far-reaching judicial activism to establish that the president cannot give the mandate to form a government to someone who the citizens of the country vote for, assuming that they vote in high numbers of Netanyahu,” said Prof. Yedidia Stern, vice president of the Israel Democracy Institute.

A Call to Arms: the Blessing of an Israeli Army

They didn’t have to ask twice – I was there.

Antisemitism Will Only Get Worse

Since Israel unwisely withdrew from Gaza in 2005, the only things that have not flown over the fence into Israel are doves of peace.

Israel Under Attack: Biden’s Coup to Get Iran the Bomb

"U.S. support for demonstrations in Tel Aviv isn't about the future of Israel's judiciary. It's about handcuffing Israel while Iran gets the bomb." — Lee Smith, Tablet Magazine, March 2, 2023.

The Coming Progressive Pogrom

With the progressive theories and beliefs tying alleged police violence to the Jews already in place, the diversion from anti-police riots to anti-Jewish riots will be seamless.


Time for the week 7 report card for President Donald Trump. SO how is he doing?

I Can No Longer Support Donald Trump

Amazingly, this obnoxious, rude egomaniac took a strong stance in favor of Israel. In fact, his record speaks for itself, and so for that alone, I became a supporter.

Destined To Endure Forever

Our sages recognized that the 10 Commandments was meant not only for Israel but for all mankind.

Saudi Historian Claims Women Should Not Drive Cars Unless They Want To Get Raped

A Saudi woman's like a queen without a chauffeur, driven around by Saudi men whenever she commands

Amnesty International: Reporting the End of the Jewish State

Let us be in no doubt, this report is not a criticism of the State of Israel. It is a chillingly clear manifesto pronouncing Israel an illegal entity with no right to exist.

Pull The Plug On UNRWA

The only problem is that the humanitarian group that will receive the lion's share of the aid is one of the most thoroughly politicized and terrorist-infiltrated organizations in the world.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/indepth/opinions/enough-with-the-secular-saints/2018/03/29/

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