The ‘What’ And ‘How’ Of Birkat Hamazon

One should tidy up the table in preparation for Birkat Hamazon, such as by removing empty serving dishes and cleaning up any unsightly spills and messes.

Insightful Eyes

Things often aren’t as spectacular as we anticipate. But more importantly, he wasn’t alone in his experience in Eretz Yisrael, or in visiting the Kosel for the first time.

When publishing a deceased person’s writings, may one censor some amount of material?

A final caution: It is assumed as a matter of common decency that in publishing such posthumous works that one do so with the permission of next of kin or other copyright holder, unless many years have passed and the work is now in the public domain.

My Beloved Bubby

My grandmother was a pioneer. My grandmother was proud to be Jewish, proud to be a woman, proud to do what was right even if no one else thought what she was doing was the right thing.

Daf Yomi

This Land Is ‘My’ Land “[If The Vow Was Imposed] In The Seventh Year…” (Nedarim 42b)

When The Worker Says ‘Not Enough!’

The workers cannot insist that they agreed to continue only with the intention that the employer should add, since he can claim that he intended to improve work conditions with extra food or the like.

The Courage Of One

What gives you the strength? I asked. How do you, a boy of 12, find the courage to keep Shabbos all by yourself every week? I am just in awe of you.

Shemoneh Esrei: The Three Steps

Although it is true that virtually no interruptions are permitted between ga’al Yisrael and the beginning of Shemoneh Esrei, these three steps are deemed to be a component of the prayer, and as such, are not considered a hefsek.

Out Of Season

I daven each morning, and have the great merit to don those G-d-endowed gifts for a few precious moments of prayer each morning. But it's hard to remember how precious those gifts are.

Is it proper to casually sit on the floor (say, to play with one’s...

Just the other day, I got down on the floor to play with my 5-year-old grandson. I noticed his joy (unexpressed, of course) that we were now on the same level, and I, on his turf.

He Put Branches Out For Collection – And Someone Tripped

The Gemara (B.K. 30a; B.M. 118b) teaches that even during seasons when it is permissible to place trash out in public areas, the owner remains responsible for it, and is liable if it caused injury.

Daf Yomi

My Plate, My Food ‘My Loaf Is Forbidden To You’ (Nedarim 34b)

Geneivat Da’at

Closely related to the concept of geneivat da’at is giving credit where credit is due. The Talmud teaches that whoever reports something in the name of the one who said it brings redemption to the world.

Testing Challenges

Tests are not measured only based on circumstance, but also based on who the person is. Two people may be faced with the exact same challenge and yet deal with it completely differently.

Is Being On Time A Jewish Value?

It’s the menchlich thing to do. We are commanded to do what is right in the eyes of Hashem...

Hashem Always Comes Through

I went out to work wishing Hashem well and hoping that very soon He would be able to come down to His True Home right here amongst His children in the holy city of Jerusalem.

Daf Yomi

Not As An Asmachta? ‘An Asmachta [In Beis Din] Does Acquire’ (Nedarim 27b)

What If Your Claim Has A Mistake In Arithmetic?

The dates are agreed and well documented, said Rabbi Dayan. It's clear to me that Mr. Plaut made a common mathematical error, subtracting three from 12.

How To Perform The Mitzvah Of Gelila

It is best that a father and son or two brothers not be awarded hagba and gelila together, just as they should not be awarded any two aliyot in succession.

Peering Outwards

Each year as Rosh Hashana approaches many people find themselves despairingly thinking that this will yet be another year of failed growth. I am exactly who I was last year and the year before that, and I can never change. But in reality, that attitude is hardly ever true.

Is It Proper For A Jew To Live In Germany?

In engaging the students, we discovered that while they acknowledged the horror of what their ancestors had perpetrated, it had nothing to do with them.

Daf Yomi

Ulla’s Murderous Companion “Yes! Cut Him Even Deeper ” (Nedarim 22a)

‘Stay with Us!’

Half a year later, Mr. Green called Mrs. Hauser. We're planning to come at the end of November, he said. If your unit is available, we're happy to stay with you. Yes, it's available then, said Mr. Hauser. We'll be happy to host you in the unit. At the end of their trip, Mr. Green thanked Mr. Hauser for the pleasant accommodations. I'm glad you enjoyed the unit, said Mr. Hauser. We charge $700 for the week.

May One Torah Study At Night? Halacha vs. Kabbalah

According to some authorities, one should avoid studying Scripture (Written Torah) at night. This is based on the Kabbalistic teaching that the Written Torah was specifically designated for study during the day and that the Oral Torah (Talmud) was specifically designated for study at night.

Fading Glory

The week of Parshas Noach is the first full week after the holiday season has drawn to a close. As we recount that catastrophic deluge which eradicated all that existed prior, we hope it is not also when all that we have accomplished these last few weeks becomes erased as well.

How Should We Treat Friends And Family Members Who Intermarry?

When a Jewish woman intermarries, her children will be halachically Jewish. We certainly would want the children to be raised as Jewishly as possible. Alienating their mother would be counter-productive.

Tell Me A Story

If we take these weekly portions of the Torah and relate the story directly to our daily lives, we will see how each holy figure we read about, we can find deeply within ourselves.

Cancellation Woes – Who Pays?

I cannot promise that the hall will be available then, said the gabbai. People use it for all kinds of functions, including lectures in the morning. You'll have to pay for the hall, regardless.

Daf Yomi

An Enduring Text ‘If One Vows By The Torah...’ (Nedarim 14b)

You Never Know

My husband and I exchanged worried glances. We had a while till our destination, Shabbos was coming, and we had no idea what we would do. The only thing we knew for sure is that as soon as the plane landed we needed to disembark ASAP.


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