State of Finkelstein

Yishai and Malkah discuss the pain of Israel Memorial Day and the majesty of Israel Independence Day - which reflect the struggle and the miracle of Israel's rebirth. Then, Yishai goes into the lion's den to tackle known Israel-hater Norman Finkelstein on the Piers Morgan Uncensored show.

US-Israel Distancing

Yishai and Malkah Fleisher discuss the Biden weapons embargo and hear from Israel-defenders Senator Lindsey Graham and Congressman Brian Mast. Then, Yishai speaks with Knesset Member Ohad Tal, who sits on the Foreign Relations and Defense Committee, about the real war: the fight for Jewish identity! Finally, Ben Bresky on the story of the founding of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra. Plus: Table Torah on Parshat Kedoshim.

Poison Ivy Leauge

Yishai and Malkah Fleisher return to discuss post-Pesach and the pro-Hamas protests on the Columbia campus. Then, Yishai speaks with the father of Omer Wenkert, one of the October 7th abductees. Also, Yishai does a deep dive on how the Narrative War on Twitter (X) is fought. And finally, Ben Bresky on Pinhas Rutenberg and the founding of the Israel Electric Corporation.

Baking the Matzah of Victory

In preparation of Pesach, Yishai bakes the Matzah and remembers the righteous fallen. Then, reporter Lucy Watson of British ITV interviews Yishai about Israel's response to Iran's missile attack. Finally, Ben Bresky on the story of Europe's last Blood Libel.

Queen Rania and the Pope

All kind of folks wish to shrink and destroy Israel - but we won't let them! Yishai Fleisher comments on the Pope's latest pronouncements, Queen Rania rants on CNN, and Nir Barkat on Joe Scarborough. Then, Ben Bresky on the life and times of Mordechai Manuel Noah, a Jewish-American who attempted to to establish a Jewish City of Refuge in New York State. And Table Torah on birth and rebirth!


Yishai and Malkah Fleisher get ready for Passover with a discussion about Matzah and Kosher. Yishai speaks with Josh Waller about why people support Minister Ben Gvir. Yisrael Hayom interviews Donald Trump - and Yishai comments. And finally, Ben Bresky on the amazing story of Warder Cresson, the first US Consul to Israel.

DEBUNKING the Myth of Ben-Gvir “EXTREMISM” in 12 minutes

Filmed before October 7th, Yishai Fleisher sits down with "The Israel Guys" to discuss Israeli Minister Itamar Ben Gvir and whether or not he's as radical as claimed to be.

What It Really Means: Trump’s Israel “Palestine” Interview Fact Checked by Israeli Expert

Yishai Fleisher analyzes exclusive Trump interview with Israel HaYom at Mar A Lago for an extended 30 minute sit down.

The Eternal Flame

Yishai Fleisher is at top of Hebron and prays for strength in this challenging period. Rabbi Shmuely Boteach joins Yishai to discuss his appearance on Piers Morgan's show and to understand Senator Chuck Schumer's and President Biden's motivations. Then, Yishai comments on CNN's interview with Minister Rabbi Amichai Eliyahu. Finally, Ben Bresky on the history of Shaarei Tzedek Hospital, and Table Torah about the Eternal Flame.


Yishai and Malkah Fleisher laugh at the state of affairs in Israel and discuss Biden's State of the Union address in the US. Then, Yishai spars with a CBS journalist about the "settlements". Also, PM Netanyahu dishes it it out on FOX News. And finally, Ben Bresky on the Gulf War which ended on Purim.

Bringing Heart to Hartman

Yishai and Malkah Fleisher discuss the state of antisemitism around the world and the pro-Hamas rallies that blocked an Israel real-estate expo. Then, Yishai speaks at the Shalom Hartman Institute to young Jewish students who need to hear TRUTH. Finally, Ben Bresky on the story of the little girl who was sent down into the bowels of the Tomb of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs in Hebron.

Answering Jon Stewart

Yishai Fleisher is in Hebron and thinking about the world's Abrahamic heritage and responding to Jon Stewart's bad prescriptions for peace. Then, how Red Heifers may have triggered the Simchat Torah War. And finally, Ben Bresky on Max Nordau and the history of the Tomb of Mamas and Papas.

Let Their People Go

Yishai and Malkah Fleisher discuss the Blood Libel of foreign media and the Narrative War for educating young Arabs. Then, Ben Bresky on the history of the Tomb of Rachel. And then, Naftali Bennett is a guest on Piers Morgan's show - with Yishai commentary.

The Great One

Yishai and Malkah Fleisher discuss the vestments of the High Priest and how to feel like an organic Judean - Original Aboriginal! Then, Ben Bresky on the meaty history of Argentinian Jewry. And finally, Yishai reacts to "The Great One" Mark Levine on Israel's Channel 14.

Executive Orders from on High

Yishai and Malkah Fleisher discuss the injustice of US Executive Orders against "settlers", and honor fallen heroes. Then: Ben Bresky on Israel's very first elections, one couple's efforts to strengthen soldiers through beef jerky, and how to be a Biblical philanthropist with the author of Kosher Giving. Finally: one Torah verse that holds the key to a meaningful life - and the Third Temple - with Rav Mike Feuer.

Leap Towards Redemption

Yishai Fleisher speaks with Zehut party chairman Moshe Feiglin about the challenges leading to victory including some old entrenched thinking. Russian-speaking superstar Simeon Grafman on whether all Gazans are culpable. Master fighter David Haliva on Krav Maga in this war. And Ben Bresky on the history of Sacher Park in Jerusalem.

The Lies of UNRWA and the ICJ

Yishai and Malkah Fleisher flood out the Al Aqsa Flood in favor of the Third Temple's water libations! Then, Rabbi Steven Pruzansky on the anti-Israel myths generated by the international organizations UNWRA and ICJ.


Yishai Fleisher celebrates Tu B'Shvat - Jewish Arbor Day - on IDF Reserves and discusses Israel's war efforts in light of a vision for what the Jewish State should look like.

The Song of Resurrection

Yishai and Malkah Fleisher talk about Yehuda Becher, a young man who sang a song of resurrection and holiness on the way to the Nova Festival where he returned his soul to HaShem. Then, Ben Bresky tells the tale of the mystical Baba Sali.

Seeking (God’s) Sovereignty

While on holy guard duty, Yishai discusses Spain's great moral failure and touches on the signs that God gave to Moses so that he could feel the pain of the Jewish people in bondage. Then, Yishai emcees the Sovereignty Conference in Jerusalem. Hear from Nadia Matar, Josh Hammer, MK Ohad Tal, Jeremy Gimpel, and more.


Yishai and Malkah Fleisher are back and reflect on three months of the October 7th War including the killing of master terrorist Saleh al-Arouri, the political willingness to discuss voluntary emigration for Gaza Arabs, and the religious change - Teshuva - happening in the Land of Israel. Also, Ben Bresky on the amazing story of the Tekhelet blue string commandment.


Yishai is on IDF guard duty again and discusses the Ten Front War and the three ways to understand the phrase "From the River to the Sea." Then, Tomer Ohayon has arrived in Israel to serve on reserve duty but left his family back on "shlichut" in NJ. Ben Bresky on the legendary Uzi sub-machine gun and it's inventor.


Yishai Fleisher sits in a jeep on IDF reserve duty and yearns for a Jewish national wake up call. Ben Bresky on the alternative meanings of the Fast of the 10th of Tevet. And finally, Josh Waller calls on the nations to take part in the fight for Judea.


Yishai is on IDF Reserves and reviews the war, the allies and the enemies, and new reality of a battle-ready Jewish State. Ben Bresky reports on Hanukkah during WWII. And on the last night of the Holiday of Lights - Israel shines bright with new opportunities to get closer to Hashem!


Not only is Israel under attack, but so are Jews on American campuses. Yishai and Malkah Fleisher debate how to deal with global antisemitism while decorating the house with the lights of Hanukkah that shine in this year. Ben Bresky speaks with musician Yitzchok Meir Malek about playing for soldiers on army bases. Rabbi Shimshon Nadel asks whether Torah students should be drafted to the IDF.

Be the Maccabee

Yishai and Malkah Fleisher struggle between high and low spirits, between terror and Jewish victory - and the only solution is to Be The Maccabee! Then, Ben Bresky speaks with 99-year-old reporter Walter Bingham who went back to Germany to relive the Kindertransport. Finally, Yishai's talk with the young Jews of Aardvark gap year program.

An Ambulance from Miami to Israel

Yishai flies to Miami to receive an ambulance for Hebron! Then, Rabbi Shimshon Nadel discusses the Torah’s teaching on the price for redeeming hostages. And, Ben Bresky on the Israeli martial art of KRAV MAGA! Finally, Table Torah on the secret of Jacob's ladder.

Making Peace with War

Yishai and Malkah Fleisher join forces to find positivity and light in the fight against the darkness of Hamas and the Jihad. Yishai joins Rav Mike Feuer to understand the role of Narrative War in this conflict. And Ben Bresky on great historical rallies for Israel. Finally, blessings for a higher consciousness through the battle we are all facing.


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