The Future of Our History

First Malkah Fleisher quizzes Yishai about the relative safety of Israel and about Saudi wishes for the Abraham Accords. Then, North American native people's activist Ryan Bellerose on the language of indigenous rights in the service of the Jewish tribe. Finally on Table Torah: Why Jacob was angry with the brothers who destroyed Shechem?

One Jew Walking through Paris; Another Jew Standing in Congress

Makor Rishon/NRG journalist Zvika Klein joins Yishai in-studio to talk about his shocking new video -- "Ten Hours Walking as a Jew in Paris." Klein discusses creating the video and what it teaches about the state of Jews in Europe. Then, Joel Pollak, the editor-in-chief of, tells Yishai that "the fact that there is a rift between Obama and Israel does not mean there is rift between America and Israel." Finally, Yishai defends PM Netanyahu's right to speak before Congress, and compares the Israeli leader to Queen Esther -- using the Bible story as an example of the Jews acting to defend themselves.

Edmund Levine on the Anniversary of the Beilis Trial

Yishai interviews author Edmund Levine about the 100-year anniversary of the Beilis Trial, an infamous trial in Kiev where Jews were accused of ritual murder and anti-Semitism in Ukranian society was brought to the forefront of the community.

Urbach on Cancer Research and Raising Israeli Children in the US

Yishai interviews Dr. Ahai Urbach about his post-doctural cancer research that is being done in Boston along with raising an Israeli family in the US.

Yishai and Perkal on Rofeh and its Role in Treatment in Boston

Yishai is joined by Naftali Perkal to discuss Rofeh international, a project dedicated to helping those who need assistance while receiving specialized medical care in Boston.

Yom Ha’atzmaut Fireworks on the Mount of Olives and Bringing Light to the World

Yishai and Malkah talk about Yom Ha'atzmaut on the Mount of Olives and the outlaw of popular mobile app Whatsapp by the Iranian Government.

Strength from the Holocaust

First, Malkah Fleisher on entering the post-Pesach and post-Corona period, and realizing that the Holocaust means living out our ancestors dreams. Then, Yishai lets off Yom HaShoah steam on the problem with Euro-journalists. And finally, Rav Mike Feuer on holy food and why God cares that pig ain't kosher.

Meet the New Peace Talks, Same as the Old Peace Talks

Yishai and alternative peace activist Baruch Widen discuss upcoming peace talks and relate them to two issues of Time magazine brought into the studio by Widen.

Rabbi Keleman on the True Origins of Christmas.

Yishai presents, as he does every year, a class given by Rabbi Lawrence Keleman about the origins of Christmas

The Canadian Reverend/Biker/Radio Show Host, and the Israeli F-16 Pilot

Rev. John Counsell is a pastor, a radio show host, a biker and an Israel-lover. Together with one of Ottawa's top rabbis, he is leading a tour of the Holy Land for his listeners. John joins Yishai to talk about living an inspiring biblical life; hosting a religious, call-in talk-radio show on a secular station in Canada; ministering to bikers; and supporting Israel with all his heart. Then, Yishai hosts Brig. Gen. Avi Yaakovi, recently retired from the Israel Air Force, after flying more than 4,000 hours on an F-16 -- thereby setting an Israeli record and becoming part of an exclusive international club consisting of only a few dozen elite pilots. Listen in and hear more!

Pesach Road Trip

Yishai and Malkah are on the road, vacationing in the Land of Israel, a land that is enjoying the Passover pilgrimage holiday but yet is always conscious that it is being fought over. Join the ride!

Will Tom Friedman Ever Give Up the Israeli Concessions Paradigm?

Yishai rants hard on the latest New York Times column by Thomas Friedman, which posits that Israel's nationalist parties are dominated by 'West Bank settlers and scary religious-nationalist zealots.' Then, Raoul Wootliff, VOI's Political Correspondent, explains the split in the ultra-Orthodox Sephardi party. Will women run on that list? Finally, Dr. Aliza Inbal, Director of the Pears Innovation for International Development Program at Tel Aviv University discusses her passion for Tikkun Olam - making the world a better place.

Ya’alon on South Lebanon, Personal Message about Aliyah

In this archive segment, Yishai presents exclusive interview with Defense Minister Moshe 'Bogie' Ya'alon where they talk about rocket threat to Israel, Livni's deception, strengthening Jewish ties to Israel, and Aliyah.

Fighting for the Temple Mount on BBC

Rabbi Yishai and Malkah Fleisher talk about the fruits of the Sabbatical year that are still coming out. Then, Yishai fights with the BBC for the right of Jews, and of Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, to ascend the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Finally, Dr. Noam Arnon on the Biblical Jacob's final days in Egypt and eventual burial in Hebron.

How to Deal with Hard Times in the Holy Land

Yishai & Malkah Fleisher hash out some of the harsh news out of the Holy Land including abuse, suicide, and empowerment of enemies - and try to figure out God's plan for the Jews. Then, Yishai speaks with famous American Jewish broadcaster Nachum Segal about the painful Corona borders that divide. Finally, Rabbi Yishai on the ten promises of Hashem at the onset of the Book of Exodus in the Torah portion of Va'era.

Israel’s Sacrifice and Independence

Yishai returns from a great trip in Boston, New York, Los Angeles & San Diego - just in time for Israel's Memorial and Independence Day. Malkah Fleisher joins to remember the loss and celebrate the gift. Then, Yishai speaks with the heroic Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein of Chabad of Poway.

The Ideology of Shortcomings

Rabbi Yishai is reunited with Rabbi Mike Feuer to talk about the anti-Moses Jewish rebellion of the Korach faction. Were Korach, Nathan and Aviram self hating Jews or did they have legitimate grips? And finally, Malkah Fleisher joins to discuss the UN's perfidy.

Yishai Fleisher Show: Slap Me if You Love Me! [audio]

First Rabbi Mike Feuer explains the Torah's gift of spiritual blemishes. Next Yishai speaks with award winner of the Israel Video Network's award ceremony for most inspiring pro-Israel video on today's Yishai Fleisher Show.

Let Their People Go

Yishai and Malkah Fleisher discuss the Blood Libel of foreign media and the Narrative War for educating young Arabs. Then, Ben Bresky on the history of the Tomb of Rachel. And then, Naftali Bennett is a guest on Piers Morgan's show - with Yishai commentary.

Pre-Pesach Preparations From Jerusalem

Yishai and Malkah share their adventures preparing for Pesach - don't miss it!

Blocking the Highway of Blessings

Malkah and Yishai Fleisher discuss the dichotomy of the IDF fighting terror while post-Zionist protestors block one of the Jewish State's main roads. Dr. Mordechai Kedar on the terrorist sociology in Jenin. Rabbi Shimshon Nadel on the Four Fasts in light of the rebirth of Israel. Ben Bresky attends music festival in Biblical town of Tekoa. And finally, is being a zealot a good or bad thing?

How to Stop the Land from Vomiting Us Out

Is the land of Israel sensitive to Jewish behavior? Rav Mike Feuer joins Rabbi Yishai Fleisher to walk on the good side of the good land in the Torah portion of Behar-Bechukotai.

Jews Returning to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Blessing or Outrage?

Yishai talks about the current situation on the Temple Mount and is joined by the Temple Institute's Rabbi Chaim Richman to talk about his organization and its dedication to the construction of the Third Temple.

Whooping Whoopi and Teaching the Ten

Yishai and Malkah get at what Whoopi Goldberg meant when she said the Holocaust was not about race. Then, Rabbi Shalom Schwartz on how to make the Ten Commandments a central pillar of societal life. Finally, Table Torah on the why God showed Moses a menorah of fire!

Should All Israeli Jews Be Permitted to Carry Guns?

Though regularly working in dangerous disputed areas, photographer Yissachar Ruas lost his right to carry a pistol because he moved to area not deemed dangerous by Israel's Ministry of the Interior. Then, why are American universities churning out anti-Israel youth? Listen in to get some answers!

Spiritual Cafe: Lech Lecha – How Abraham Changes Yet Remains Perfect

The Jewish forefather Abraham has to leave his home in Charan and move to the Holy Land, he has to change his body, and even his name gets changed - all in order to get closer to God. But why does God need change - are His creations imperfect? And why do the Jewish people always struggle with evil and persecution? Rabbi Mike Feuer and Yishai sit down in Beit Midrash Sulam Yaakov in the heart of Jerusalem to discuss the amazing Torah portion of Lech Lecha.

Knesset Update with Jeremy Man Saltan

Yishai is joined by Jeremy Man Saltan to discuss upcoming elections and the new Likud-Beitenu coalition.

Arab Idol’s Influence on Nationalism and Relationships in the Middle East

Yishai and Baruch Widen discuss "Arab Idol" and it's affect of Arab society and nationalism.

Spiritual Cafe: ‘Hebrew,’ ‘Jew,’ ‘Israelite’

Rabbi Mike Feuer joins Yishai to talk about the weekly Torah portion. They talk about the significance of the Jewish people having at least three names. They also wonder why so many Jews forget the astounding investment our people have made to keep our nation Jewish.

Hanukkah Makes Israel Great Again

Rabbi Yishai walks the Negev desert on Hanukkah and thinks about those who were there before like the brothers of Joseph going down to Egypt and the Jewish people camping here on the way to the Land of Israel. He also ponders Pharaoh's dreams and Joseph's explanation about the nature of God and his plan to save the Jews from assimilation.


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