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Tag: Daniel Pipes

Eyes On Islam: An Interview with Middle East Scholar Daniel Pipes

I spoke with Dr. Pipes about the topics he specializes in: the role of Islam in public life, the Arab-Israeli conflict, and U.S. foreign policy.

Campus Watch Founder Daniel Pipes Ascends Temple Mount

Pipes told his host that he had ascended the Mount after the Six-Day War.

Daniel Pipes Offers UNRWA $1 Million in Return for Much Needed Reform

“The current UNRWA definition breeds a victimhood mentality that perpetuates Palestinian-Israeli conflict.”

Reports: Jordanian Kingdom’s Collapse Imminent

On top of its strategic troubles, faced with the relentless threat of ISIS and the collapse of trade relations with both Syria and Iraq, Jordan continues to suffer from the unresolved core issue of identity.

It’s “Name The Enemy,” Not ‘Rename’ The Enemy

(Reposted with permission from author's website) Moderate truth-teller Daniel Pipes (Dream) has further moderated his stance on Islam by actually entertaining the idea of "Moderate...

First Amendment Hypocrisy: Muslims and Israel

the prospect of violence often guarantees their right to use the First Amendment while denying it to others.

The Worrisome Future of Special Operations

Special Ops used to be about capturing or killing enemies; now it's about shaping public opinion.

Obama’s Foreign Fiasco

His singular foreign policy accomplishment, trumpeted ad nauseam, was the execution of Osama bin Laden.

Daniel Pipes and Islamic ‘Essentialism’

Islam expert Andrew Bostom charges that Daniel Pipes' claims about the differences between Islam and Islamism contradict Pipes' past writings on the political nature of Islam.

Report: US Fears Syria Rebel Victory, for Now

Though my suggestion to now back Assad to prevent Jihadi takeover and allow both sides to fight themselves to exhaustion was rejected, it seems now the administration is taking note of my counsel.

The Case for Supporting Assad

On the happy day when Assad & Tehran fight the rebels & Ankara to mutual exhaustion, Western support then can go to non-Baathist and non-Islamist elements in Syria.

Palgrave Macmillan Participates in ‘Israel Apartheid Week’

Publishing house Palgrave Macmillan apologized for appearing to endorse "the Palestinian struggle."

Daniel Pipes: West Must Oppose Islamism (Video)

Middle East expert Daniel Pipes appeared on the 'Cross Talk' program to argue that the West should use its influence to oppose Islamism instead of supporting it.

African-American Student Starts Pro-Israel Group in New Orleans

The research she did for her paper alarmed her, and Valdary resolved to do what she could to fight Jew-hatred.

Daniel Pipes: Reflections on Current Hamas-Israel Hostilities

If Hamas knows it cannot defeat the Israel Defense Forces and will get a bloody nose for its efforts, it obviously has motives other than victory in mind.

Daniel Pipes: Why I am Voting Republican

I vote Republican because I support the party's core message of individualism, patriotism, and respect for tradition, in contrast to the core Democratic message of dependence, self-criticism, and "progress." I am inspired by the original reading of the U.S. Constitution, by ideals of personal freedom and American exceptionalism. I vote for small government, for a return of power to the states, for a strong military, and an assertive pursuit of national interests.

Daniel Pipes: Superficiality Reigns Before the Election

It happens every four years, as U.S. presidential elections roll around: I feel like a stranger. That's because news reports blare out what's not of interest: trivial statistics (171,000 jobs added in October; jobless rate up 0.1 percent to 7.9 percent), biographical irrelevancies (claims that Romney outsourced jobs to other countries when at Bain Capital), and forgettable gaffes (Obama saying that "Voting is the best revenge"). This limited discussion misses the main points.

Post-Mortem on the Muhammad Protests

As Muslim crowds dissipate and American diplomatic missions return to normal activities, here are three final thoughts on the riots that began this Sept. 11 and killed about thirty.

Mocking Muhammad Is Not Hate Speech

My last article prompted a solemn reply from Sheila Musaji of The American Muslim website, who deemed it "irresponsible and beyond the pale." Why so? Because, as she puts it, "The solution to escalating violence and hate speech is not more hate speech."

A Muhammed Cartoon a Day

Would repetition inspire institutionalization, generate ever-more outraged responses, and offer a vehicle for Islamists to ride to greater power? Or would it lead to routinization, to a wearing out of Islamists, and a realization that violence is counter-productive to their cause?


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/indepth/interviews-and-profiles/eyes-on-islam-an-interview-with-middle-east-scholar-daniel-pipes/2023/02/12/

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