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Tag: Nahal Haredi

Thousands of Israeli Haredi Men Ask to Join IDF War Effort

At least 120 of the applicants have been approved and are set to begin training on Monday; other applications will be reviewed and the men drafted as volunteers.

US Army Col. Rabbi Jacob Goldstein’s Grandson Receives Red Beret

Among the new paratroopers was Joe Brickman, a native of Crown Heights in Brooklyn, NY. The ceremony took place at Jerusalem’s Ammunition Hill.

IDF Netzach Yehuda Unit Helps Launch ‘Mikud L’Chaim’ Project for Haredi Veterans

"The goal is to build a healthy, happy, and fulfilling life. It’s a process that Haredi young men generally undergo in yeshiva, and we want to ensure that our veterans have this closure, as well.”

Nahal Haredi Paratroopers Prepare for First Landing

Rabbis say haredi paratroopers integrate grueling training sessions with uncompromising adherence to a haredi lifestyle.

Vast Majority of Hesder Yeshiva Recruits Join IDF Combat Units

"It is a great privilege to learn Torah, and it is a great privilege to serve in the IDF."

Not Trusted to Evict Jews? IDF Plans Relocating Haredi Troops from Amona Vicinity

Following leaks to the news media about the relocation, the order to relocate was rescinded for the time being.


Pashkevil: "Come out today and battle the Zionist Amalek and all the traitors in Nahal Haredi..."

Outrage over Radical Haredi Mob Attack on Haredi Soldier

There are Haredim and there are Haredim. Some fight for IDF. Others fight against the state and, as on Tuesday, attack Haredi soldiers. Police rescued him and patrolled the streets of Mea Shearim.

12 Good Reasons Why Secular Israelis Reject Haredim

Why is it so common for Haredim to pin the motives for secular hatred against them only on their critics' ignorance and anti-Semitism?

Haredim Can Do Anything

Two Haredi men ride a camel on the Mount of Olives. The Knesset committee tasked with crafting an alternative to the Tal Law for haredi...


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/israel/idf/thousands-of-israeli-haredi-men-ask-to-join-idf-war-effort/2023/10/21/

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