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Tag: Peace Process

Israel’s 9th President Shimon Peres Dead at 93

Nobel Prize winner Shimon Peres, who took part in establishing Israel's security apparatus and served 48 consecutive years as MK passed away following a stroke.

A Simple Solution for Peace

People on the Left like to ask the people on the Right, "What's your solution for peace?" Here's my answer...

Israeli Leaders Slam PA’s Abbas for Blood Libels and Lies in EU Speech

Israeli leaders responded fiercely to the lies hurled from the European Union podium by Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas.

Israeli President in Brussels: Israeli-EU Relations Independent of Peace Deal

President Rivlin emphasized that the EU can squeeze Israel as much as they want on the "Peace Process" with no consequences to their relationship with Israel.

Israel: ‘You Don’t Need to go to Paris to Solve Conflict’

On the eve of the French peace conference to help foster peace between Israelis and the Palestinian Authority, Director-General of the Israeli Foreign Ministry Dore Gold is less than optimistic.

Netanyahu: Arab Nations Can Help Bring ‘Real Peace’

Netanyahu seems to place more confidence in the efforts of regional Arab governments than in European peacemaking conferences.

Netanyahu, Herzog Welcome Egyptian Leader’s Overture for Peace

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi offered to act as a mediator in the Israeli-"Palestinian" conflict.

French Foreign Minister: ‘We Are Not Giving Up’ on International Peace Conference

The planned French international peace initiative will take place without Israeli or Palestinian Authority participation.

Obama’s Lobbing Yet Another ‘Peace Plan’ at Israel

As Obama starts his march out of office, he once again is threatening to impose a deadly "peace plan" on Israel.

PM Netanyahu, Egyptian Ambassador Khairat, Meet at Knesset

Israel's Prime Minister met with the new Egyptian Ambassador for private talks in the Knesset.

President Rivlin to Visit Obama on Hanukkah

Rivlin also will speak to senior officials and to the Brookings Institution.

Netanyahu Source: ‘Kerry Is Replaced Soon, Let him Say What He Wants’

"Everyone is busy with a countdown to the election of a different US president."

Abbas Tells Kerry No One Can Stop Violence – at Same Time PA Promotes...

The Palestinian Authority again lied in propaganda alleging that Jews "broke into" Al Aqsa. Kerry: "I know that the situation for Palestinians is…very dire."

Netanyahu to U.S.: Green Light for ‘Settlers’ in Return for ‘Good Will’ [video]

Netanyahu, for the first time, wants something concrete from Obama before offering more "good will" to the Palestinian Authority.

Saeb Erekat Says Only ‘a Few People Believe in Two States’ Idea

The PLO executive and former "negotiator" also asserts PLO made an "historical compromise" by telling the U.S. it won’t try to destroy Israel.

Kerry Committed to Return to ‘Save’ Israel from Violence

The man whose blinders have contributed to the current violence now says he will return "soon" to "try to work to re-engage."

Peace Process? Obama Says US Gun Violence 33 Times Worse than in Israel

Obama and his predecessors have always "known" how to "fix" the Middle East while their domestic problems spin out of control.

PA’s Saeb Erekat Calls for Withdrawing Recognition of Israel [video]

Arafat in 1988 recognized Israel as a Jewish state. Abbas has wanted to delete the word "Jewish." Now Erekat wants to delete the word "Israel."

Ex-Amb. Michael Oren Says Obama ‘Deliberately Abandoned Israel’

Oren spilled the beans on Obama one week before his new book is released and four months after he dumped Netanyahu in the election campaign.

Obama Chastises Netanyahu for not Adopting US Policy

The President's remarks indicate that his "back" for Israel is shrinking.

Tony Blair Steps Down as Quartet Middle East Envoy but No One Cares

The U.S. State Dept. had a difficult time explaining what the Quartet has ever accomplished except spending money.

PLO Blows Up Netanyahu’s ‘Peace Process’ Renewal

Saed Erekat: Israel first must agree to all of our terms before we negotiate.

Media Spins Netanyahu’s Renewal of Peace Process

Netanyahu pacified the EU and said he wants to resume talks on new borders, which the Palestinian Authority total rejects.

Foreign Minister Hotovely: Tell the World ‘God Gave Israel to the Jews’

Israel finally has a Foreign Minister who is not ashamed to say the word "God."

Obama Reaching Out to (Liberal) Jews in Sermon at Synagogue

The President will speak Friday night at Washington's largest Conservative synagogue, probably to continue to express his opinion that Israel is racist & Israel should embody "Judeo-Christian"/universal values (as opposed to Jewish values). They're going to lap it up .

Netanyahu Tells EU He Is Committed to ‘Vision’ of Two States

The PA again calls for "one state of Palestine" but the EU still chases the wind while ISIS takes over Syria.

Secret Arab-Israel Talks in Jordan a Sign of Distrust of Obama

Results from secret talks in Jordan on "peace" were zero, but the need to meet shows Obama is weak.

PLO Rejects American Mediaton in ‘Peace Talks’

The Palestinian Authority conditions 'peace talks' on timetable for Israel's accepting Its demands,

Saudis Hijack de Facto Recognition of Israel after Plane Lands at Lod

The kingdom has canceled its contract with a company that flew a Saudi plane to Ben Gurion airport for maintenance.

Shhhhhhh! Police Now Say Bus was Firebombed Saturday Night

No one was hurt because the bus was empty. No one heard about it because of the politically (in)correct media.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/breaking-news/israels-9th-president-shimon-peres-dead-at-93/2016/09/28/

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