Brown Signs Bill to Overpopulate Planet

Each and every permutation of artificial “fertility” will wind up in court at some point.

Most Pointless Peace Talks Ever?

If we should have learned anything since January 2011, it’s that Middle Eastern unrest is growing because of a good half a dozen really important things other than “Israel.”

Getting Real: Why Israel is Ramping Up Responses to Iran-Backed Provocations From Syria

Surprisingly, Israel not only went public about the strike and missile intercept but followed up with an explicit vow to destroy Syria’s air defense systems if they are used against IAF aircraft again

Crazed Reaction to Trump on NFL Kneel-Squad

NFL players who refuse to honor America’s symbols as a way of denouncing the police (or, apparently, white people) are wrongheaded. So are those who make excuses for them

An Iranian Nuclear Weapons Program in What was Formerly ‘Syria’

Remnants of Assad’s nuclear program are alive and well, under the control of Hezbollah and Iran

Senior Benghazi-related executives resign at State – reportedly directed by Trump

"People are not quitting and running away in disgust. This is the White House cleaning house.”

Russian Navy’s First Port Visit to Egypt in 21 Years

Monday, November 11, Russia’s Slava-class missile cruiser Varyag pulled into Alexandria for the Russian navy’s first port visit in Egypt since 1992.

Er, No, Obama Didn’t Win the Debate

We’ve reached a watershed here, where we either live in our own heads affirming reality, regardless of spurious inputs from demagoguery or sentiment, or we give up on reality and let demagoguery and sentiment take over at the decision table. Did the president pull off a performance last night, in terms of sounding passionate and full of conviction? To some extent, yes. Does that mean he won the debate, or even achieved a draw with Romney? No.

Cry Havoc: Iran Builds Land Bridge to Syria

The pretext for Iran, as always (since 2014), is “defeating ISIS.” Iran has exploited this strategic pretext in order to gobble up the territory that will form her land bridge.

J.E. Dyer: A Fun Independence Day List of Things That are Now Considered Taxes

We must not let our concept of the purpose and character of a tax be corrupted, precisely because taxing us is a power accorded Congress in the Constitution. The definition of “tax” is, in fact, the most important limit on what Congress can do with its power to tax. In the wake of the Obamacare ruling, defining “tax” is defending our liberty – or, from the opposite perspective, attacking it.

Obama’s Threats

Our president is supposed to bind himself to constitutional meanings.

In the U.S. Capitol: Darkness Rather than Light

It would be so catastrophic to not increase the debt ceiling that Senators must have the option of avoiding the people’s scrutiny.

Main Stream Media Failure: Pope did NOT call Mahmoud Abbas an ‘Angel of Peace

"...the Pope did the exact opposite of what the media reported: he urged Abbas to change his ways.”

Defense Round Up: U.S. Showing Weakness Abroad

The U.S. is being made to look weak in Egypt, and is actually acting weak with allies and foes alike.

‘9/10’ Media Mindset: Threat from Soleimani ‘Not Imminent’

In military planning terms, Soleimani was the operational center of gravity for Iran’s proxy campaign throughout the Middle East, from Iraq to Syria, Lebanon, and Yemen. That operational center of gravity just received a knockout blow.

Now the Mail Ate Hillary’s Laptop?

Does anyone out there know anyone who would stick a laptop in the mail, in a cavalier manner that would leave it susceptible to being “lost”? Is it conceivable this person might become PRESIDENT?

J.E. Dyer: Syria – Going, going, gone?

A solution in which the Syrian people are empowered to operate more freely in a true multi-party government, under the aegis of multinational protection against both Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood, would be the most desirable, achievable outcome. It is not possible to broker this outcome while ignoring Russia.

J.E. Dyer: Ceramic Pig Watch – Offensive Speech in Britain

Ever since the case of the offensive ceramic pigs in 1998, the British have been assiduously refining their methods for dealing with offenses to Islam.

The Shakiest Nukes in the West

Nukes aren’t something you wave around like a drunk brandishing a knife.

Terrible Tragedy in Newtown

Connecticut has some of the tightest restrictions in the country and Mrs. Lanza was in full compliance with them.

Why are We Surprised that Iran is Exporting Weapons to Iraq?

The ISIS guerrillas are a problem for Iran. It arose because of the Arab Spring and the Syrian civil war.

J.E. Dyer: Tumultus Post-Americanus

The Tumultus Post-Americanus is now well underway. There is no initiative on our collective part – we have done nothing but react in the last three years – and possibly even less appreciation of how the world is changing. The forms of international discourse – the processes of the UN, the G-8 and G-20, the IMF – are being adhered to now because they are a convenience, not because they produce anything useful.

ObamaCare: The Propaganda Machine Revs Up

Many readers are no doubt aware of the millions in taxpayer dollars that the Obama administration has contracted out to PR firms for the purpose of hawking Obamacare to a reluctant public.

Strategic Coalition Forming: Russia Supplying Iraq

Another nation – probably Iran, possibly Russia and/or Syria – is entering the fight in Iraq in a new and fully committed way.

Game change: Russia Can Now Warn Israel Against IAF Operations Over Syria

Israel has never faced the reality of Russia potentially vetoing its air defense decisions

Obama Let 40-Year-Old Oil Supply Guarantee to Israel Expire in November 2014

Israel has never invoked the agreement, but Israel sources say that its importance lies in its very existence.

The Heat is On: Options for Deterrence in the Middle East

To re-seize the initiative and get deterrence going


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