Soldier Learns the Entire Tanach in 100 Days

He related that when he was called up for reserve duty, he tried to think of something that would be spiritually fulfilling, and decided that whenever he’d have some spare time, he’d study Tanach with the commentary of Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz.

A Letter From America

Four million people died worldwide, and despite everything, somewhere in New York City, a secretary at Yeshiva Darchei Torah was looking for the address of a family in Israel to return the small sum they paid for lunches.

Why Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai?

Most of us don’t understand the Torah of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai at all, but we understand that there is something there, that there is a greater unseen depth to life.

I Want It Now!

Tu B'Shevat is a reminder once a year of the most important commodities: patience, continued labor, investment, devotion.

Want To Be Happy?

Happiness comes when we leave the "I" and enter the "We." There is giving and no taking.

‘Tweets’ From The Kotzker

Long before social media posts and tweets, the Kotzker delivered messages in short, bite-size form. Here are just a few of his gems

Amalekite Perfectionism

Haman has oceans of honor but he’s lacking one drop. Everyone bows down to him, but he needs Mordechai to bow down, too. If not, all the honor he has received means nothing.

Getting Excited For The Right Reason

On Shabbat we finished reading the book of Exodus with its emotional description of the completion of the Mishkan, the spiritual center that accompanied us in the desert. This apparently was the first crowd-funding endeavor of our people.

Just Follow Hashem’s Lead

Sometimes we set up camp for a short period of time and other times for a much longer period.

Stuck At Home

coronavirus has given all of us homework

Now’s The Moment Of Truth

Will we still remember the importance of eating healthy now that we can again eat whatever we want outside?

25 Years Later

This coming Shabbat will be the 25th Yahrzeit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. The mission and legacy he left for us is more relevant than ever

Tips To Be Miserable

To avoid misery, read the 6-steps to misery--and completely side-step these landmines

How Much Do You Sleep?

The second project is 'A Home for Life.' It was established a little more than a year ago. This is a home for girls with special needs. They integrate into the community as they acquire life skills and learn how to live independently.


What was Adam missing? After all, he had everything – a female companion, food, a Garden of Eden surrounding him. What was lacking?

Be Different

Do we have the courage to swim against the stream? To be in the minority? To be different?

A Mega ‘Thank You’ At The Kotel

The intent of the prayer is to teach us to give thanks for surviving potentially life-threatening situations.


When we look around at the trees and flowers in our land, we should not take what we see for granted. Shevat is not only a month of blossoming and renewed growth, but the realization of a dream that persisted throughout the generations.

Moving Forward

Is it better to complain, seek revenge, and hold a grudge? Or is it better to find a blessing within the curse?

Rav Aryeh Levin, 50 Years Later

“Once, when I was a child in Jerusalem, I couldn’t restrain myself and asked him: ‘Is it true that you are one of the lamedvav (36) tzadikim?’... R’ Aryeh smiled and replied with one word: ‘Sometimes.’

Rav Karlitz’s Character

Of Rav Nissim Karlitz,(ZT"L) the Chazon Ish said “One day, the entire world will hear from him.” He was right.

Why Do Lubavitchers Do It?

What motivates Chabad emissaries? Yitzchak's work is also our work – to dig wells. To believe that under the dirt and dust and all the layers, there is clear, sweet water. Even if someone seems indifferent, distant, and cynical – even wicked – that is just an outer shell. Inside there is a soul, there is life.

Malachi’s Friends

In the Torah portions that we are currently reading, it is noted time and again that as soon as the people arrived at a new place, they immediately erected the Mishkan, the people's spiritual center and beating heart.

Wanted: Flexibility

The difference between the righteous and the wicked is in the longevity of positive passing thoughts.

The Kaliv Rebbe’s Legacy

Since he was saved,the Kaliver Rebbe said Shema Yisrael thousands of times in front of wide, varied audiences. In the prayer book that he published, he added this verse at the end of the prayer in memory of those who died in the Holocaust.

On Thunder And Apples

“We cannot keep the thunder and lightning of Sinai with us, but we can take the spirit of Sinai and incorporate it into mitzvoth – whether we are at the market, at home, in the bank or the car.

Advice From Moshe

It's always possible to ask forgiveness and to forgive, and to begin anew.

Sincerity Melts Walls

In Vayigash, Yehudah teaches us what attitude we should have in life: Sincerity

Does Anyone Care About Privacy Anymore?

Each tent faced a different direction so that no one could see into the tent of anyone else.


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