The Power Of One
The concept of the Twelve Tribes and mutual responsibility is a “collective” concept, in which the individual appears to be secondary, however the opposite is the case.
A Peace Offering – Parshat Re’ei
Unlike all the other types of Korbanot that are offered to atone for a sin, the Shelamim is offered purely out of love for Hashem.
Eretz Yisrael is blessed with seven species of food. One of the joys of living in Eretz Yisrael is having the privilege of eating these special foods.
Dancing In The Vineyard
The Sforno says that the essence of the sin of the golden calf was the dancing, without the dancing the sin would not have been so severe.
Expectation Of Redemption
Many of us have lost it because we don’t see the true value of it. What would having the Beit HaMikdash add to my life that I don’t have already?
Pursuing Peace
The last time the Torah mentions Aharon actually saying anything of his own volition, is when Miriam speaks lashon hara against Moshe. Aharon’s words are a plea for Moshe to pray to G-d to heal their sister.
Differential Enemies
An Egyptian whose ancestors committed genocide against our people may be accepted as a convert after three generations, but a Moabite and Amonite – who never gave us bread and water, they may never be accepted?
Moshe’s Lost Book
Parashat Balak is a very interesting parasha in that it relates an incident that none of Am Yisrael observed directly.
Red Lights And The Four Stages Of Exile
When Moshe saw two Jews (Datan and Aviram) fighting and tried to stop them, they went and informed to Pharaoh that he had killed an Egyptian guard. Moshe then said, Now I realize why Am Yisrael are in exile in Egypt – it is because they speak lashon hara.
The Fire Of Cats And Dogs
Am Yisrael were desperately waiting for the Shechina to return after the sin of the Golden Calf. At the conclusion of the eight days...
The Origin Of The Bagel
Why the different types of matzah and their symbolism? Each had to be offered for a different reason.
Picture It! – Parshat Vayikra
Forget about five-year-old kids; most adults are not overly attracted to Sefer Vayikra, with all its gore.
Send In The Clowns
Who were these clowns of Israel? What was their reason to mock Moshe? What exactly is it about this mocking that makes it unacceptable?
Building The Mishkan: Plan A And Plan B – Parshat Vayakhel
The sefer Ohel Yehoshua explains that in fact Hashem had two distinct plans for building the Mishkan. The original plan preceded the sin of the Golden Calf, after which a Plan B went into effect as a result of the Am Yisrael’s sin.
Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh – Parshat Ki Tisa
So, obviously, Hashem does not have a face and all the above descriptions are simply metaphors to simplify concepts to enable our human intellect to understand, even though the true reality is beyond our comprehension.
Urim Ve’Tumim: The Heavenly Code
There are different opinions on how the Kohen Gadol would receive the answer to the question. According to one opinion, the letters on the stones were illuminated forming the words of the answer. According to another, the letters stood out and became extruded.
Bendable Beams
Why was it necessary to use specific wood from specific cedar trees? The other raw materials used in building the Mishkan were simply from the spoils that Am Yisrael took with them from Egypt – gold, silver, wool, linen, etc.
The Promise Of Health
According to both schools of thought, the Ramban and the Rambam, illness and disease are the result of an imbalance caused by eating and drinking the incorrect food and drink, which upsets the biochemical balance in the body and lowers the immune system.
Were There Three Matan Torahs?
Matan Torah on Har Sinai was the second time the Torah was given. It was the first time for Am Yisrael, but preceding this, Hashem gave the Torah to Adam HaRishon in Gan Eden – the Tree of Life, Eitz HaChayim.
Insatiable Thirst
What happened between the high point at the Red Sea and the low point in Refidim?
‘Armed’ In The Dark
Unlike the Egyptians, who couldn’t see and couldn’t move, for Am Yisrael there was light in their places of dwelling (Shemot 10:23).
The Two Faces Of G-d
We should try, to the best of our human ability, to grasp the essence of Hashem and emulate it.
Speech And Action – Parshat Shemot
According to some opinions (Zohar, Va'eira 25b), Moshe was cured of his speech impediment, along with the rest of Am Yisrael who were cured of their ailments, before Matan Torah.
A Head In The Lap
Our Sages tell us that when Hashem creates something or someone, at the same time He creates their opposite.
National Tears
What was the difference between Leah’s crying and Rachel’s crying? Leah was weeping for her own misfortune... Did Rachel cry over her own misfortune?
Gateway To Prosperity – Parshat Miketz
Yosef was a living Shulchan Lechem HaPanim; through him Hashem channeled sustenance and prosperity to the entire world.
Bread Of Hate? – Parshat Vayeishev
From the outset, there was seething sibling rivalry that eventually erupted explosively. The sons of Leah regarded the sons of the maidservants Zilpah and Bilhah with disdain, and they hated Yosef.
The Half-Full Cup – Chayei Sara
In this epic reunion, you have two multi-billionaires, each with a different life philosophy. Eisav’s is rav, a lot; Yaakov’s is kol, everything. How do they differ?
Healing Bread
If you look beneath the surface of the story of the three angels visiting Avraham and the feast he served them, you will see it is a replica of a korban todah.
Rumblings Of War
Why is Lot so important that Avraham took him along and risked his life to save him?