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Alon Liel

The Academic Council for National Policy on Sunday called on Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein and Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked to launch an investigation against former Foreign Ministry director-general Alon Liel, in light of recent reports about his subversive efforts against Israel at home and abroad.


The ACNP argues that Liel has broken a number of laws with his actions, stating that “according to the recordings of Liel himself which have been published by the media, there is serious concern that Liel broke the law when he endeavored to prevent the appointment of Dani Dayan as Israeli ambassador to Brazil, tried to prevent the participation of Israeli athletes in the next Olympic Games, and labored on a long list of activities to subvert Israeli policy with elements in Israel and abroad.”

ACNP Chairman Dr. Ronen Shoval said that “Liel’s actions are a blatant undermining of Israeli democracy and constitute political subversion. The appeal to the AG was born by a serious concern that Alon Liel has allegedly violated the penal code. Liel’s actions against the State of Israel at home and abroad are improper and unworthy — we expect better from a former director-general of the Foreign Ministry. Unfortunately, this is one more effort by post-Zionist elements who despise Israeli policy to besmirch the State of Israel and influence the character and future of Israel through appeals to foreign elements around the world. Worse yet, their appeals are accepted willingly.”

Alon Liel told NRG in response that “this is a recycled campaign of Bayit Yehudi and its satellites. The leading elements and their activists will use incitement and lies to silence anyone whose opinion contradicts their own.”

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